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Walter Reiners Foundation awards Six Young Engineers (c) VDMA
Anna Markic, Mark Zenzinger, Lena Fink, Peter D. Dornier, Fabio Bußmann, Katharina Maria Ernst, Lennart Hellwig, Dr. Harald Weber

Walter Reiners Foundation awards Six Young Engineers

At the Techtextil trade fair in Frankfurt, the Chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA, Peter D. Dornier, presented awards to six successful young engineers. Promotion and sustainability prizes were awarded in the categories bachelor/project theses and diploma/master theses. Academic theses in which, for example, solutions for resource-saving products and technologies are developed are eligible for the sustainability prizes.

The Walter Reiners Foundation awarded Anna Markic a sustainability prize worth 3,000 euros in the Bachelor's category. The topic of her thesis, written at Reutlingen University, was the recycling of carbon fibres.

Mark Zenzinger, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University, received a 3,000 euro promotion award in the Bachelor's category. His topic was the automation of the process chain for the production of welded textile hard goods.
Lena Fink from the TU Dresden received another promotion award worth 3,000 euros. Her construction engineering project work focused on a device to simplify the maintenance of braiding machines.

At the Techtextil trade fair in Frankfurt, the Chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA, Peter D. Dornier, presented awards to six successful young engineers. Promotion and sustainability prizes were awarded in the categories bachelor/project theses and diploma/master theses. Academic theses in which, for example, solutions for resource-saving products and technologies are developed are eligible for the sustainability prizes.

The Walter Reiners Foundation awarded Anna Markic a sustainability prize worth 3,000 euros in the Bachelor's category. The topic of her thesis, written at Reutlingen University, was the recycling of carbon fibres.

Mark Zenzinger, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University, received a 3,000 euro promotion award in the Bachelor's category. His topic was the automation of the process chain for the production of welded textile hard goods.
Lena Fink from the TU Dresden received another promotion award worth 3,000 euros. Her construction engineering project work focused on a device to simplify the maintenance of braiding machines.

Fabio Bussmann from RWTH Aachen was awarded a promotion prize in the Master's category, worth 3,500 euros. In his thesis, he analysed the life cycle assessments of alternative semi-finished products for geotextiles.

Katharina Maria Ernst, TU Dresden, was honoured with a sustainability prize of 3,500 euros in the Master's category. Her work focused on the development of a suitable process for the treatment of chitosan fibres as an alternative starting product in the production of carbon fibres.

Lennart Hellwig, RWTH Aachen University, was awarded a 3,500 euro prize in the Master's category. He focused on the topic of machine learning using the example of a nonwovens plant.



BW_i, Südwesttextil und AFBW zusammen auf der Techtextil (c) Südwesttextil
Aussteller*innen mit Ministerialdirektor Michael Kleiner

BW_i, Südwesttextil und AFBW zusammen auf der Techtextil

Als Vertreter der Landesregierung Baden-Württemberg besuchte Michael Kleiner, Ministerialdirektor am Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Tourismus, den von Baden-Württemberg International, Südwesttextil und AFBW organisierten Gemeinschaftsstand und informierte sich über die neuesten Entwicklungen im Bereich der technischen Textilien.

Baden-Württemberg International (BW_i) präsentierte in Zusammenarbeit mit Südwesttextil und der Allianz Faserbasierter Werkstoffe Baden-Württemberg (AFBW) einen Marktplatz für textile Innovationen auf der Techtextil. Mit 19 Vertreter*innen von Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen aus der Region bot der Stand unter dem Motto „Come Together – Create Opportunities“ eine Plattform für Begegnung, Vernetzung und Austausch.

Passend zum Launch der „Textil kann viel“ Broschüre überreichte die Hauptgeschäftsführerin von Südwesttextil, Edina Brenner, Ministerialdirektor Michael Kleiner die neuste Ausgabe mit textilen Anwendungen aus THE LÄND und darüber hinaus.

Südwesttextil und AFBW begleiteten den Ministerialdirektor durch die Vielfalt branchenübergreifender textiler Lösungen am Stand.

Als Vertreter der Landesregierung Baden-Württemberg besuchte Michael Kleiner, Ministerialdirektor am Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Tourismus, den von Baden-Württemberg International, Südwesttextil und AFBW organisierten Gemeinschaftsstand und informierte sich über die neuesten Entwicklungen im Bereich der technischen Textilien.

Baden-Württemberg International (BW_i) präsentierte in Zusammenarbeit mit Südwesttextil und der Allianz Faserbasierter Werkstoffe Baden-Württemberg (AFBW) einen Marktplatz für textile Innovationen auf der Techtextil. Mit 19 Vertreter*innen von Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen aus der Region bot der Stand unter dem Motto „Come Together – Create Opportunities“ eine Plattform für Begegnung, Vernetzung und Austausch.

Passend zum Launch der „Textil kann viel“ Broschüre überreichte die Hauptgeschäftsführerin von Südwesttextil, Edina Brenner, Ministerialdirektor Michael Kleiner die neuste Ausgabe mit textilen Anwendungen aus THE LÄND und darüber hinaus.

Südwesttextil und AFBW begleiteten den Ministerialdirektor durch die Vielfalt branchenübergreifender textiler Lösungen am Stand.

Sie tauschten sich mit den anwesenden Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen über die Innovationskraft der Branche, aber auch über die heutigen Herausforderungen wie z.B. die Explosion der Energiekosten, den Fachkräftemangel und die Verschärfung der gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen aus.

Mittelstand-Digital: Orientierung beim Thema Künstliche Intelligenz (c) Gesamtverband textil+mode

Mittelstand-Digital: Orientierung beim Thema Künstliche Intelligenz

Immer mehr Daten, vernetzte Systeme und kreative Ideen lassen immer neue technologische Anwendungen in immer kürzerer Zeit entstehen, die auf künstlicher Intelligenz beruhen. Das Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe begleitet mittelständische Unternehmen seit über einem Jahr bei der Einführung und Umsetzung von KI-Strategien. Wie KI im Unternehmen zum Einsatz kommen kann, haben die Gäste der Veranstaltung „KI-Readiness: Mit Intelligenz zu mehr Effizienz“ im Rahmen der Messe Techtextil in Frankfurt am Main am 25. April erleben können.

Nicht nur große, sondern auch kleine und mittlere Unternehmen können von den positiven Effekten durch KI profitieren und mit intelligenten Assistenzsystemen, Smart Data-Analysen, AI-Chatbots oder intelligenten Produkten und Services neben der Produktion auch die Bereiche Einkauf und Beschaffung, Logistik oder Marketing effizienter aufstellen.

Immer mehr Daten, vernetzte Systeme und kreative Ideen lassen immer neue technologische Anwendungen in immer kürzerer Zeit entstehen, die auf künstlicher Intelligenz beruhen. Das Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe begleitet mittelständische Unternehmen seit über einem Jahr bei der Einführung und Umsetzung von KI-Strategien. Wie KI im Unternehmen zum Einsatz kommen kann, haben die Gäste der Veranstaltung „KI-Readiness: Mit Intelligenz zu mehr Effizienz“ im Rahmen der Messe Techtextil in Frankfurt am Main am 25. April erleben können.

Nicht nur große, sondern auch kleine und mittlere Unternehmen können von den positiven Effekten durch KI profitieren und mit intelligenten Assistenzsystemen, Smart Data-Analysen, AI-Chatbots oder intelligenten Produkten und Services neben der Produktion auch die Bereiche Einkauf und Beschaffung, Logistik oder Marketing effizienter aufstellen.

Das Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum stellte in Frankfurt konkrete KI-Anwendungsfälle vor und zeigte, wie Daten im Betrieb verfügbar gemacht und ihre Nutzung sichergestellt werden kann. „Unternehmen und ihre Beschäftigten können sich von unseren KI-Trainern im Umgang mit innovativen Technologien oder verschiedenen KI-Methoden schulen lassen. In unseren Schaufenstern in Aachen, Chemnitz und Denkendorf können Interessierte zudem KI im Einsatz erleben“, umschreibt Anja Merker, Geschäftsführerin des Zentrums, das Angebotsspektrum.

Welche Impulse es braucht, um Innovationen in Unternehmen einzuführen und wer die Impulsgeber für die digitale Transformation in Unternehmen sind, diskutierten in Frankfurt der Unternehmer Axel Pieper von Brückner Trockentechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Thomas Fischer von den Deutschen Instituten für Textil- und Faserforschung gemeinsam mit Stefan Hauser vom Münchner Start-up Brakeable sowie Mareike Giebeler, verantwortlich für Digitale Innovationen, Start-ups und Nachhaltigkeit beim Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Smarte Kreisläufe. Das Fazit der Gesprächsrunde: Künstliche Intelligenz in die Digitalstrategie des Unternehmens aufnehmen, durch die Kooperation mit Start-ups zusätzliche Innovationskraft ins Haus holen und den Austausch mit Gleichgesinnten suchen.


Gesamtverband textil+mode

Michael Steidle leitet die Mayer GmbH TechConcepts, ehemals Textildruckerei Heinrich Mayer. Foto Mayer GmbH TechConcepts
Michael Steidle leitet die Mayer GmbH TechConcepts, ehemals Textildruckerei Heinrich Mayer.

Aus Textildruckerei Mayer wird Mayer GmbH TechConcepts

Die Textildruckerei Mayer heißt von nun an “Mayer GmbH TechConcepts”. Das Unternehmen hat im Jahr seines 50-jährigen Bestehens die Umfirmierung vollzogen, die dem Wandel des Portfolios Rechnung trägt. Im Jahr 1974 war Unternehmensgründer Heinrich Mayer mit klassischem Textildruck in den Markt eingetreten. Heute bietet Mayer TechConcepts unter der Leitung von Michael Steidle, Schwiegersohn des Gründers, Lösungen im Bereich der Sensorik, Aktorik sowie 3D-Hartbeschichtungen an.

Zusammen mit seiner Frau Claudia führt er die Mayer GmbH TechConcepts, wie das Unternehmen offiziell seit Ende Februar 2024 heißt, in zweiter Generation. Textilien sind zwar weiterhin Teil des Portfolios, die Bandbreite wurde jedoch deutlich vergrößert. Beschichtet werden auch andere Materialien von Plastik und Metallen bis Kunstleder.

Das Unternehmen lebt von seinen technischen Lösungen. Neben Keramikbeschichtung sind das vor allem Flächenlösungen mit Sensorik, beispielsweise ein leicht formbares Material ausgestattet mit einem flächigen Drucksensor, welches bei medizinischen Geräten zum Einsatz kommt. Ein anderes Beispiel ist eine Flächenheizung, die durch Druck aktiviert wird.

Die Textildruckerei Mayer heißt von nun an “Mayer GmbH TechConcepts”. Das Unternehmen hat im Jahr seines 50-jährigen Bestehens die Umfirmierung vollzogen, die dem Wandel des Portfolios Rechnung trägt. Im Jahr 1974 war Unternehmensgründer Heinrich Mayer mit klassischem Textildruck in den Markt eingetreten. Heute bietet Mayer TechConcepts unter der Leitung von Michael Steidle, Schwiegersohn des Gründers, Lösungen im Bereich der Sensorik, Aktorik sowie 3D-Hartbeschichtungen an.

Zusammen mit seiner Frau Claudia führt er die Mayer GmbH TechConcepts, wie das Unternehmen offiziell seit Ende Februar 2024 heißt, in zweiter Generation. Textilien sind zwar weiterhin Teil des Portfolios, die Bandbreite wurde jedoch deutlich vergrößert. Beschichtet werden auch andere Materialien von Plastik und Metallen bis Kunstleder.

Das Unternehmen lebt von seinen technischen Lösungen. Neben Keramikbeschichtung sind das vor allem Flächenlösungen mit Sensorik, beispielsweise ein leicht formbares Material ausgestattet mit einem flächigen Drucksensor, welches bei medizinischen Geräten zum Einsatz kommt. Ein anderes Beispiel ist eine Flächenheizung, die durch Druck aktiviert wird.

Ende April zeigt Mayer TechConcepts auf der Techtextil in Frankfurt seine neusten Entwicklungen. Dazu gehören ultradünne, flexible Sensorflächen, die das Unternehmen im Endlosdruck herstellt. Sie eignen sich beispielsweise für eine automatische Abschaltlösung bei medizinischen Geräten. Mit Sensorik und Aktorik ausgestattete Flächenlösungen bis 1,6 m² finden außerdem als hochwertige und smarte Auto-Interieurs ihre Anwendung. Des Weiteren präsentiert das Unternehmen seine neuen Bio-Polyurethane, die Mayer TechConcepts für seine patentierte CERAPUR Keramikbeschichtung einsetzt.


Mayer GmbH TechConcepts

Award winners with foundation chairman, foundation MD and professors (c) VDMA e.V. Textile Machinery
Award winners with foundation chairman, foundation MD and professors

Walter Reiners Foundation honours young engineers

As part of the Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference in Dresden, the Chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA, Peter D. Dornier, presented awards to four successful young engineers. Two promotion prizes and two sustainability prizes were awarded in the Bachelor and Diploma/Master categories. Academic works in which solutions for resource-saving products and technologies are developed are eligible for the sustainability prizes.

A sustainability prize worth 3,000 euros in the Bachelor's category was awarded to Franziska Jauch, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, for her Bachelor's thesis on pigment digital printing in denim production.

The promotion prize in the Bachelor's category, also worth 3,000 euros, went to Annika Datko, RWTH Aachen, for her work on determining the polyester content in used textiles.

Dave Kersevan, TU Dresden, was honoured with a sustainability prize in the Diploma/Master's category, endowed with 3,500 euros. The subject of his thesis was the development of a laboratory system for the production of needled carbon preforms.

As part of the Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference in Dresden, the Chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation of the VDMA, Peter D. Dornier, presented awards to four successful young engineers. Two promotion prizes and two sustainability prizes were awarded in the Bachelor and Diploma/Master categories. Academic works in which solutions for resource-saving products and technologies are developed are eligible for the sustainability prizes.

A sustainability prize worth 3,000 euros in the Bachelor's category was awarded to Franziska Jauch, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, for her Bachelor's thesis on pigment digital printing in denim production.

The promotion prize in the Bachelor's category, also worth 3,000 euros, went to Annika Datko, RWTH Aachen, for her work on determining the polyester content in used textiles.

Dave Kersevan, TU Dresden, was honoured with a sustainability prize in the Diploma/Master's category, endowed with 3,500 euros. The subject of his thesis was the development of a laboratory system for the production of needled carbon preforms.

This year's promotion award in the Diploma/Master's category, endowed with prize money of 3,500 euros, went to Flávio Diniz from RWTH Aachen. The subject of his Master's thesis was the feasibility of manufacturing ultra-thin carbon fibres.

The award ceremony 2024 will take place in April at the VDMA stand at the Techtextil fair in Frankfurt.

Texprocess Forum (c) Sutera, Messe Frankfurt
Texprocess Forum

Techtextil und Texprocess 2024: starke Nachfrage, hohe Internationalität und Innovationsgrad

Vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 sind Techtextil und Texprocess der Hotspot für Innovationen, textile Lösungen und Vernetzung. Mehr als 1.600 Aussteller aus rund 50 Ländern zeigen den außergewöhnlichen Innovationsgrad der Branchen.

Die Zahl von aktuell über 1.600 angemeldeten Ausstellern aus rund 50 Ländern bestätigt die Relevanz der beiden Messen für die Unternehmen. Die kommenden Ausgaben präsentieren neben bekannten Formaten wie dem Techtextil Innovation Award und Texprocess Innovation Award oder dem Techtextil Forum und Texprocess Forum eine Reihe an neuen Sonderarealen. Besucher*innen dürfen sich auf der Techtextil u.a. auf das Areal Nature Performance oder die Sonderschau Future Materials sowie den Denim Hub oder ein Emerging Markets Areal auf der Texprocess freuen.

Vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 sind Techtextil und Texprocess der Hotspot für Innovationen, textile Lösungen und Vernetzung. Mehr als 1.600 Aussteller aus rund 50 Ländern zeigen den außergewöhnlichen Innovationsgrad der Branchen.

Die Zahl von aktuell über 1.600 angemeldeten Ausstellern aus rund 50 Ländern bestätigt die Relevanz der beiden Messen für die Unternehmen. Die kommenden Ausgaben präsentieren neben bekannten Formaten wie dem Techtextil Innovation Award und Texprocess Innovation Award oder dem Techtextil Forum und Texprocess Forum eine Reihe an neuen Sonderarealen. Besucher*innen dürfen sich auf der Techtextil u.a. auf das Areal Nature Performance oder die Sonderschau Future Materials sowie den Denim Hub oder ein Emerging Markets Areal auf der Texprocess freuen.

Auf der Techtextil erleben Besucher*innen in zwölf Anwendungsbereichen eine außerordentliche Bandbreite an Produkten. Diese finden Einsatz in einer Vielzahl von Industrien – von Automobil über Fashion, Medizin bis hin zu Bau. Die neuesten Entwicklungen bei Fasern und Garnen, Vliesstoffen, Composites, beschichteten Textilien, Technologien und vieles mehr stellen die Unternehmen, oft zum ersten Mal öffentlich, auf der Techtextil vor. Angemeldet sind unter anderem Carrington Textiles (Großbritannien), Concordia Textiles (Belgien), Datacolor (Belgien), Everest Textile (Taiwan), Franz Miederhoff (Deutschland), Groz-Beckert (Deutschland), Kuraray (Japan), Kusumgar Corporates (Indien), Outlast Technologies (Deutschland), Sandler (Deutschland), Tanatex Chemicals (Niederlande) und Textilcolor (Schweiz).

Die Texprocess ist die internationale Plattform für Aussteller von Maschinen, Anlagen, Verfahren und Dienstleistungen für die Konfektion von Bekleidung sowie textiler und flexibler Materialien. Die Bandbreite an ausgestellten Produkten reicht von Nähtechnik und -materialien, Stickereitechnik, Fixieren, CAD/CAM und Cutting bis hin zu Recyclingtechnologien und vielem mehr. Für die Texprocess 2024 haben unter anderem Amann & Söhne (Deutschland), Assyst/Style3D (Deutschland), ASTAS (Türkei), Barudan Co., Ltd. (Frankreich), Brother Internationale Industriemaschinen (Deutschland), bullmer (Deutschland), Dürkopp Adler (Deutschland), IMA (Italien), Kai Corporation (Japan), Morgan Tecnica (Italien), natific (Schweiz), Orox Group (Italien) oder Tajima Industries (Japan) ihre Teilnahme angekündigt.

Techtextil Innovation Awards und Texprocess Innovation Awards
Die Innovation Awards sind Highlights beider Veranstaltungen. Zwei Fachjurys prämieren die neuesten herausragendsten Brancheninnovationen. Hier spiegelt sich die Zukunft der Branchen in neuen Ideen und Entwicklungen, die Lösungen für die unterschiedlichsten Bereiche von Digitalisierung und KI, über Nachhaltigkeit, bis hin zu neuen Materialien und Prozessen anbieten. Einreichungsschluss der Bewerbungen ist der 15. Dezember 2023.

One-third increase in exhibitors at Cinte Techtextil China 2023 (c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

One-third increase in exhibitors at Cinte Techtextil China 2023

Since the rapid growth brought about by the pandemic, the technical textiles and nonwovens markets are stabilising towards a new normal – one in which technological innovation, sustainable development, and intelligent manufacturing are the most sought-after qualities. Held from 19 – 21 September 2023 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, the fair amplified this new industry direction, both through its fringe programme and across the booths of the 40,000 sqm show floor. With a nearly one-third increase from 2021, 467 exhibitors representing 13 countries and regions engaged a significantly international visitor flow, numbering 15,542 total visits from 52 countries and regions. Suppliers showcased up-to-date products for multiple application areas, with various equipment, technical textiles and nonwovens for agriculture, automotive, protective apparel, and medical and hygiene especially prevalent.

Since the rapid growth brought about by the pandemic, the technical textiles and nonwovens markets are stabilising towards a new normal – one in which technological innovation, sustainable development, and intelligent manufacturing are the most sought-after qualities. Held from 19 – 21 September 2023 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, the fair amplified this new industry direction, both through its fringe programme and across the booths of the 40,000 sqm show floor. With a nearly one-third increase from 2021, 467 exhibitors representing 13 countries and regions engaged a significantly international visitor flow, numbering 15,542 total visits from 52 countries and regions. Suppliers showcased up-to-date products for multiple application areas, with various equipment, technical textiles and nonwovens for agriculture, automotive, protective apparel, and medical and hygiene especially prevalent.

Speaking at the fair’s close, Ms Wilmet Shea, General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, had an optimistic outlook for the future of the sector: “Sustainability and innovation often go hand-in-hand, and walking through the various halls, zones, and pavilions these past few days the evidence for this was widespread. With environmental protection more important than ever, and buyers across application areas increasingly sourcing eco-friendly solutions, our exhibitors were well-placed to meet that demand. This fair is consistently at the leading edge of technological progress, and with the global and domestic markets showing signs of improving further, we are already looking forward to what we can offer at next year’s edition.”  

With many overseas exhibitors making a comeback, this year’s fair was marked by the return of the Taiwan Pavilion and the 40-exhibitor strong European Zone. Beyond the international areas, domestic pavilions were organised by Beijing Guanghua, China Hang Tang Group, Funing, Jiujing, Shenda, Tiantai, Xianto, and Xiqiao, showcasing nonwovens for various sub-sectors, including filtration and medical. Valuable insights were exchanged at multiple fringe events, including the 11th China International Nonwovens Conference, the Advanced Technical Textiles Industry Chain Synergistic Innovation Development Forum, various events covering marine textiles and rope netting, and the “Kingsafe Dangs” National University Students' Nonwovens Development and Applications Showcase. Visitors, meanwhile, were pleased with the innovation on show across the entire platform.

The fair’s product categories cover 12 application areas, which comprehensively span a full range of potential uses in modern technical textiles and nonwovens. These categories also cover the entire industry, from upstream technology and raw materials providers to finished fabrics, chemicals and other solutions. This scope of product groups and application areas ensures that the fair is an effective business platform for the entire industry.


Techtextil India hosting SITRA’s Expo on Medical Textiles

On the side-lines of the three-day fair, Techtextil India’s 2023 edition scheduled from 12th –14th September, will be hosting SITRA’s Expo on Medical Textiles called MEDITEXTM2023 - an exclusive pavilion that focuses on medical textiles with live demonstrations and high-growth application areas offering a global platform for business opportunities.

On the side-lines of the three-day fair, Techtextil India’s 2023 edition scheduled from 12th –14th September, will be hosting SITRA’s Expo on Medical Textiles called MEDITEXTM2023 - an exclusive pavilion that focuses on medical textiles with live demonstrations and high-growth application areas offering a global platform for business opportunities.

Medical textiles are fabrics that are used in the healthcare industry for a variety of purposes ranging from maintenance of hygiene, prevention/control of infection to saving the life of critically ill patients. In recent years, the demand for medical textiles has been growing in India due to rise in geriatric population, accidents and life style diseases. Besides, various initiatives of Governments, increased awareness about hygiene, medical tourism and advancements in textile technology are driving the growth of medical textile industry in India. According to a report published by Ministry of Textiles on the Indian Technical Textiles market, the market potential of medical textiles market at 5% is valued approximately at USD 1.125 billion in the year 2021-22.
SITRA is a Textile Research Association, sponsored by the industry and supported by the Ministry of Textiles (MoT), with the contribution to the textile industry for more than 65 years. Its Centre of Excellence for Medical Textiles, established by MoT in 2008, has been organising MEDITEX - an International Medical Textile Expo cum Conference in 2014 and 2018 respectively. This exclusive fair for medical textiles has been offering a global platform for business opportunities in the varied application of medical textiles which has witnessed a good participation from the industry. For 2023, the expo will be held as a part of Messe Frankfurt India’s Techtextil India 2023.

Target topics based seminars, supported by Ministry of Textiles, Government of India would also be held concurrently along with the exhibition wherein the speakers would be discussing about current and evolving technologies in medical textiles. Stakeholders and visitors to the conference as well as the exhibition would get to witness and benefit from world class, state-of-the-art medical textiles products/machineries and technologies.


Messe Frankfurt (HK)


Cinte Techtextil China announces exhibitors for December Edition

From 7 – 9 December 2022, Cinte Techtextil China will welcome visitors sourcing solutions for 12 application areas of technical textiles and nonwovens at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai.

A number of countries and regions are represented at the fair’s International Zone, with companies from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and the US. Standout international exhibitors include:

From 7 – 9 December 2022, Cinte Techtextil China will welcome visitors sourcing solutions for 12 application areas of technical textiles and nonwovens at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai.

A number of countries and regions are represented at the fair’s International Zone, with companies from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and the US. Standout international exhibitors include:

  • TESTEX, an international, independent Swiss institute which specialises in the testing and certification of textile and leather products. The organisation is a founding member and official representative of the OEKO-TEX® Association, and will present their certification services at the fairground.
  • Cotton Council International (CCI) is a non-profit trade association that promotes US cotton fibre and manufactured cotton products, with their COTTON USA™ Mark. At this year’s fair they will showcase cotton spunlace fabric, wipes, kitchen tissues, facial masks, cosmetic removers, and more, with their products particularly applicable to Agrotech, Clothtech, Medtech, and Sporttech.
  • Graf + Cie AG is a subsidiary of the Rieter Group, and a leading supplier of clothing for carding and combs for combing machines in the short- and long-staple spinning industry. This year, the Swiss company will showcase stationary flats, and metallic card clothing for roller cards.
  • At the returning German Pavilion, buyers can source sought-after technical textiles and nonwovens that are renowned for their quality. The companies and expertise on display at this pavilion are endorsed by the Federal Republic of Germany, with several exhibitors highlighted below:
  • Brückner Textile Technologies GmbH & Co KG has developed machinery for the textile industry since 1949. Today, the company offers complete line systems for the dry finishing of both woven and knitted fabric, as well as for technical textiles, glass fibres, and floor coverings.
  • Perlon (Zhejiang) Co Ltd is part of a global group of companies that specialises in the manufacture of synthetic filaments, with factories in China, Germany, Poland, and the US. Their products have a diverse range of potential uses, largely categorised in the Agrotech and Indutech application areas.
  • IBENA Textilwerke GmbH produces various functional fabrics for Protech. At the fair, the company will be showcasing insulative, flame retardant (FR) textiles for firefighting and search & rescue services. Developed with DuPont™ aramid material, their FR properties will not diminish after washing or repeated use.

This year’s fair also sees the return of the Taiwan Zone. With support from the Taiwan Nonwoven Fabrics Industry Association, the area will showcase a range of industry leading nonwoven products and services, by brands such as KNH Enterprise, Nan Liu Enterprise, Unique Pretty Ind, and Web-Pro Corporation.

As a world’s largest manufacturer of technical textiles, China is home to a vast array of companies responsible for innovative products. Some domestic exhibitors to look out for are:

  • CTA Hi-Textiles Co Ltd, a high-tech enterprise controlled by China Textile Science Research Institute. In recent years, the company has developed several new textile composite materials, and their products are widely used in sectors such as national defence, policing and public security, medical protection, and engineering and manufacturing.
  • Sateri is one of the world’s largest producers of viscose fibre, with an annual capacity of 1.8 million metric tonnes. At their mills, they make yarn and fibre products applicable to sectors such as beauty, hygiene and personal care, medical, wipes, and protective wear.

To help international buyers stay connected with the Chinese market, Match Plus, the fair’s online business matching platform, will support foreign buyers achieve their sourcing goals despite travel limitations. Further information on Match Plus will be available at a later stage.

The fair’s product categories cover 12 application areas, which comprehensively span a full range of potential uses in modern technical textiles and nonwovens. These categories also cover the entire industry, from upstream technology and raw materials providers to finished fabrics, chemicals and other solutions.


Perapret® AIR, new air purification textile technology

Archroma launched Perapret® AIR liq, a new light-activated air purification technology for all kinds of fabrics. The new innovation was presented at the Techtextil last month.

The mineral-based Perapret® AIR liq eliminates air pollutants and airborne smells by imitating the natural process of photocatalysis under normal day and artificial light sources.

The chemistry usually used in such applications is nano-sized TiO2 (dioxide titanium), which attack every organic matter, including the textile fiber, and not only pollutants.

Perapret® AIR liq is produced using a patented Core Shell technology that partially surrounds the TiO2 molecules, solving the issue of fiber damage, and at the same time still allowing the photocatalytic process to work efficiently.

Therefore, the innovative Core Shell technology behind Perapret® AIR liq makes it possible to use the capabilities of nano-sized TiO2 also on organic based substances such as cotton, polyester, polyamide, viscose and any additional fiber and its blends.

In addition, the treatment is highly durable, as the product doesn’t self-consume and retains its performance over time.

Archroma launched Perapret® AIR liq, a new light-activated air purification technology for all kinds of fabrics. The new innovation was presented at the Techtextil last month.

The mineral-based Perapret® AIR liq eliminates air pollutants and airborne smells by imitating the natural process of photocatalysis under normal day and artificial light sources.

The chemistry usually used in such applications is nano-sized TiO2 (dioxide titanium), which attack every organic matter, including the textile fiber, and not only pollutants.

Perapret® AIR liq is produced using a patented Core Shell technology that partially surrounds the TiO2 molecules, solving the issue of fiber damage, and at the same time still allowing the photocatalytic process to work efficiently.

Therefore, the innovative Core Shell technology behind Perapret® AIR liq makes it possible to use the capabilities of nano-sized TiO2 also on organic based substances such as cotton, polyester, polyamide, viscose and any additional fiber and its blends.

In addition, the treatment is highly durable, as the product doesn’t self-consume and retains its performance over time.

Perapret® AIR liq is ideally suited for indoor applications, such as curtains, textile wall coverings, as well as cars and other automotive interiors, allowing to reduce air pollutants and airborne smells and thus improving overall air quality*.

The technology is at the core of CLEAN AIR, a new system that combines Perapret® AIR liq with other recent innovations such as Smartrepel® Hydro TS liq for PFC-free** durable water repellence, and Sanitized® T27-22 liq antimicrobial agent.

More information:
air purification Archroma



vti mit 17 Unternehmen auf der Techtextil

Nach pandemiebedingter Verschiebung öffnete die Techtextil in diesem Jahr vom 21. bis 24. Juni 2022 in Frankfurt am Main wieder ihre Pforten. Präsentiert wurde das gesamte Spektrum technischer Textilien, funktionaler Bekleidungstextilien und textiler Technologien. Zeitgleich fand auch die Texprocess – Leitmesse für die Bekleidungs- und textilverarbeitende Industrie – sowie einmalig auch das Heimtextil Summer Special, internationale Fachmesse für Wohn- und Objekttextilien, statt. Mit insgesamt 117 Teilnehmernationen, rund 63.000 Besuchern und 2.300 Ausstellern gelang ein fulminanter Re-Start der internationalen Textilmessen auf dem Frankfurter Messegelände.

Auch der Verband der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. (vti) hat auf einem Gemeinschaftsstand mit der Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH 17 sächsischen Unternehmen die Möglichkeit geboten, ihr Know-how dem Fachpublikum zu präsentieren. Die Aussteller äußerten sich aufgrund der hohen Besucherresonanz und dem breiten Interesse an den Neu- und Weiterentwicklungen ihrer Produkte sehr zufrieden zum Abschluss der Messe.

Nach pandemiebedingter Verschiebung öffnete die Techtextil in diesem Jahr vom 21. bis 24. Juni 2022 in Frankfurt am Main wieder ihre Pforten. Präsentiert wurde das gesamte Spektrum technischer Textilien, funktionaler Bekleidungstextilien und textiler Technologien. Zeitgleich fand auch die Texprocess – Leitmesse für die Bekleidungs- und textilverarbeitende Industrie – sowie einmalig auch das Heimtextil Summer Special, internationale Fachmesse für Wohn- und Objekttextilien, statt. Mit insgesamt 117 Teilnehmernationen, rund 63.000 Besuchern und 2.300 Ausstellern gelang ein fulminanter Re-Start der internationalen Textilmessen auf dem Frankfurter Messegelände.

Auch der Verband der Nord-Ostdeutschen Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie e.V. (vti) hat auf einem Gemeinschaftsstand mit der Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH 17 sächsischen Unternehmen die Möglichkeit geboten, ihr Know-how dem Fachpublikum zu präsentieren. Die Aussteller äußerten sich aufgrund der hohen Besucherresonanz und dem breiten Interesse an den Neu- und Weiterentwicklungen ihrer Produkte sehr zufrieden zum Abschluss der Messe.

Die Norafin Industries (Germany) GmbH präsentierte neben technischen Vliesstoffen zur Filtration auch die neue Produktpalette Komanda: Die langlebigen Materialien erfüllen die Forderungen des Marktes nach leichten, mehrfach verwendbaren, stabilen und atmungsaktiven Fabrikaten für Schutzbekleidung und Industrieanwendungen. Der Geschäftsführer, André Lang, resümierte die Messeteilnahme: „Ein großes DANKESCHÖN an die Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen GmbH und den vti für die Organisation im Vordergrund und hinter den Kulissen und natürlich DANKE für das Catering für uns Aussteller und unsere Gäste. Wir schätzen unser eigenes Standdesign am Sachsen-Stand und die gute Partnerschaft. Wir freuen uns auf die Techtextil 2024 mit Ihnen.“

Die Beschichtungsexperten der Vowalon Beschichtung GmbH aus Treuen stellten ein neues, nachhaltiges Kunstleder vor, welches zu 51 Prozent aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen besteht. Gemeinsam mit VW entwickelte Vowalon das biologische Füllmaterial für Autositze von E-Automobilen: Es besteht aus den sogenannten Silberhäutchen, einem Abfallprodukt der Kaffeebohne, das sich beim Rösten löst. Ob es sich bequem auf Kaffeebohnen-Schalen sitzen lässt, konnten die zahlreichen Besucher dabei begeistert selbst testen. Gregor Götz, Geschäftsführer der Vowalon Beschichtung GmbH Treuen, schätzt die Beteiligung am Gemeinschaftsstand hoch ein. „Wir haben eine sehr gute Besucherresonanz auf unser nachhaltiges Kunstleder verzeichnet. Das haben wir auch der guten medialen Vorbereitung der Messeteilnahme durch den vti zu verdanken.“

„Die Messetage sind für uns sehr positiv verlaufen und zahlreiche Besucher waren bei uns am Stand. Das Fachpublikum ist stark international und die Gespräche haben viel Potenzial für künftige Projekte", resümiert Marketingchefin Carina Schadek der Auerbacher Embro GmbH, das sich als Zulieferer von Halbzeugen für sogenannte Smart-Textilien spezialisiert hat. So ist das Unternehmen daran beteiligt, wenn sich Autositze oder Kleidung erwärmen und Textilien mit elektromagnetischen Feldern ausgestattet sind.

Das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut (STFI) präsentierte dem Fachpublikum textile Wandbegrünungsmatten, eine Sandwichkonstruktion aus zwei gewirkten PET-Matten mit zwischengelegtem Verteil- und Transportvliesstoff, die zu Flächengebilden verschiedener Größen zusammengefügt werden können. Die Vertikalbegrünung sorgt für einen Dämm- sowie Fassadenschutz gegen Witterung, reduziert die Hitze- und Staubbelastung und erzeugt eine nachhaltige Klimatisierung beispielsweise in Innenstädten und Fußgängerzonen.

Erstmals präsentierten sich die Techtextil und Texprocess auch virtuell. Die digitale Plattform steht noch bis zum 8. Juli 2022 zur Verfügung.
Die nächste Techtextil findet vom 23. bis 26. April 2024 statt.


Members of TMAS at Texprocess, Techtextil and Heimtextil in Frankfurt

ACG Nyström, a member of TMAS, the Swedish textile machinery association, will demonstrate the automated Talon 75 multi-ply cutter at the forthcoming Texprocess exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany, from June 21-24.

The Talon 75 is capable of cutting up to 7.5cm of compressed materials common to the sewn products and technical textiles industries. The machine is engineered to automatically pull stacked material plies from the spreading table to a modular, bristle-block conveyor bed for reciprocating knife cutting of patterns. Precise system operations with state-of-the-art motion control communications offer an industrial-strength solution.

Industry 4.0 ready
Eastman’s Talon multi-ply cutting systems are Industry 4.0 ready and equipped with the latest in condition based predictive maintenance technology. Their robust design utilises motors and amplifiers that automatically detect changes in critical components to notify operators well in advance of maintenance prompts. Also on display in Frankfurt will be Eastman’s ES-960, a material spreader capable of fast and easy spreading heights up to 20cm.

ACG Nyström, a member of TMAS, the Swedish textile machinery association, will demonstrate the automated Talon 75 multi-ply cutter at the forthcoming Texprocess exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany, from June 21-24.

The Talon 75 is capable of cutting up to 7.5cm of compressed materials common to the sewn products and technical textiles industries. The machine is engineered to automatically pull stacked material plies from the spreading table to a modular, bristle-block conveyor bed for reciprocating knife cutting of patterns. Precise system operations with state-of-the-art motion control communications offer an industrial-strength solution.

Industry 4.0 ready
Eastman’s Talon multi-ply cutting systems are Industry 4.0 ready and equipped with the latest in condition based predictive maintenance technology. Their robust design utilises motors and amplifiers that automatically detect changes in critical components to notify operators well in advance of maintenance prompts. Also on display in Frankfurt will be Eastman’s ES-960, a material spreader capable of fast and easy spreading heights up to 20cm.

Members of TMAS will be showcasing a range of solutions aligning with the growing trend for more localised and automated textile manufacturing at the forthcoming Texprocess, Techtextil and Heimtextil shows which are all taking place in Frankfurt from June 21-24.




SHIMA SEIKI to exhibit at Techtextil 2022 in Frankfurt

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, along with its Italian subsidiary SHIMA SEIKI ITALIA S.p.A., will be participating in the Techtextil exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany from the 21st till the 24th of June 2022.

SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. of Wakayama, Japan, along with its Italian subsidiary SHIMA SEIKI ITALIA S.p.A., will be participating in the Techtextil exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany from the 21st till the 24th of June 2022.

On display will be SHIMA SEIKI’s latest innovation in flat knitting technology as applied to the field of technical textiles—a prototype weft knitting machine capable of multi-axial yarn insertion. Fabrics produced on this machine use inlay technique for the production of hybrid textiles that combine the stretch characteristics of knitted fabrics with the stability of woven textiles, suited to various technical applications. To this, warp yarn is inserted to further expand its capability to produce 3D-shaped carbon fiber and composite preforms directly on the machine. This is made possible by taking advantage of the fact that flat knitting as a textile production method is capable of producing end products that are shaped-to-form and with added thickness. Compared to current methods of preform production, savings in post-processing time, material, labor and associated costs are immense, realizing efficient and sustainable production. SHIMA SEIKI’s own yarn unwinding technology is also used for optimum yarn feed and tension for use with technical yarns that are otherwise difficult to knit. Industrial textile samples knit on the multi-axial machine will also be available for examination on-site.

SHIMA SEIKI's SDS®-ONE APEX4 3D design system will be available for demonstrations as well. Of particular interest should be its ultra-realistic simulation capability that realizes Virtual Sampling. When countless variations must be evaluated before arriving at a final design, virtual product samples can be used to streamline the decision-making process by minimizing the enormous amount of time, cost and material normally associated with producing actual samples for each variation. When approved, the same data can be converted to machine data for immediate knitting, significantly reducing lead times.

Photo: Archroma

Archroma at Techtextil 2022 with latest innovations and system solutions

Archroma will be at Techtextil 2022 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, from 21 to 24 June 2022, to launch its latest innovations and system solutions aimed to help textile manufacturers with optimized sustainability, productivity and value creation in their markets.

Archroma will present 9 new solution systems and 3 innovations, and will hold 2 booth events.

3 innovation highlights

  • PFC-free* Smartrepel® Hydro SR, a new solution developed for the repellence of water-based soil;
  • Biocide-free OX20, a new odor-neutralizing technology newly launched by our partner SANITIZED AG;
  • Perapret® AIR, a new mineral finishing technology for air purification is activated by natural and artificial light sources and can be applied on all fabrics

9 new solution systems
Archroma introduced its first ever solution systems at the Techtextil 2019 edition, and since then has developed more than 30 systems for technical textile and nonwoven applications.

Archroma will be at Techtextil 2022 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, from 21 to 24 June 2022, to launch its latest innovations and system solutions aimed to help textile manufacturers with optimized sustainability, productivity and value creation in their markets.

Archroma will present 9 new solution systems and 3 innovations, and will hold 2 booth events.

3 innovation highlights

  • PFC-free* Smartrepel® Hydro SR, a new solution developed for the repellence of water-based soil;
  • Biocide-free OX20, a new odor-neutralizing technology newly launched by our partner SANITIZED AG;
  • Perapret® AIR, a new mineral finishing technology for air purification is activated by natural and artificial light sources and can be applied on all fabrics

9 new solution systems
Archroma introduced its first ever solution systems at the Techtextil 2019 edition, and since then has developed more than 30 systems for technical textile and nonwoven applications.

  • CLEAN AIR, a mineral air purification system that stays put on all kinds of fabrics and is activated by artificial and natural light, for as long as there is light; ➔ based on the new Perapret® AIR;
  • CONSCIOUSLY DEEP, a metal-free one-step scouring and dyeing system for medium to very dark colored nylons that stay deep and bright day after day, and are good for you and the planet;
  • EARTH SOFT, a biomass-based and vegan softening system that is suitable for all kind of fibers and makes you comfortable in your own skin;
  • NATURE BOUND, a compostable binder system for food filtration materials that protect you and the planet;
  • ODOR CONTROL 2.0, a system for odor-free sportswear where permastink cannot build up on your favorite clothes, that’s applicable on polyester, cotton and nylon; ➔ based on the new OX20;
  • RAG N’ROLL, a compostable binder system for nonwoven cleaning rags, that protect you and the planet;
  • SAFE SEATS NextGen, a PFC-free* and halogen-free* modular surface treatment system for safer and cleaner seating materials, ➔ based on the new Smartrepel® Hydro SR;
  • SWEET DREAMS, a metal and particle free* system that redefines protection for mattress ticking fabrics, with long-lasting hygiene and outstanding softness, that protects you and the environment;
  • TAKE A BREATH, an enhanced filtration system that keeps your air clean and fresh for longer putting health first and your competition behind;

2 booth events
Innovation highlight: Biocide-free OX20 odor management solution by SANITIZED AG


  • Nuria Estape, Panel Moderator, Head of Marketing & Promotion, Brand & Performance Textile Specialties, Archroma
  • Georg Lang, Head of CC Finishing, Archroma
  • Stefan Müller, Head of BU Textiles Additives Sanitized
  • Yann Ribourdouille , Global registration expert Product Stewardship, Archroma

Innovation highlight: PFC-free* Smartrepel® Hydro SR


  • Nuria Estape, Panel Moderator, Head of Marketing & Promotion, Brand & Performance Textile Specialties, Archroma
  • Roland Borufka, Head of Competence Center Repellents, Archroma
  • Wolfgang Knaup, Head of R&D repellents, Archroma
  • Yann Ribourdouille, Global registration expert Product Stewardship, Archroma

Archroma / EMG

(c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.

Cinte Techtextil China to address personal hygiene and sustainability demands

With global consumers becoming more conscious about personal hygiene and environmental protection, exhibitors at Cinte Techtexil China will spotlight materials and technologies for products that respond to these trends. The fair will probe into the associated growth opportunities as the country is one of the leading markets for nonwovens and technical textiles. The event will be held from 6 – 8 September at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

The technical textiles and nonwovens industries, the latter notably, are significantly expanding amid the pandemic. A recent forecast[1] predicts that the global polypropylene nonwoven fabric market will continue to rise at a CAGR of 6.7%, reaching USD 39.23 billion by 2028. The anticipated growth is bolstered by demands in end-use industries such as sanitation, medical, automotive and more. In 2020, Asia Pacific was named the largest regional market in the world and is expected to grow significantly over the forecasted period.

With global consumers becoming more conscious about personal hygiene and environmental protection, exhibitors at Cinte Techtexil China will spotlight materials and technologies for products that respond to these trends. The fair will probe into the associated growth opportunities as the country is one of the leading markets for nonwovens and technical textiles. The event will be held from 6 – 8 September at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

The technical textiles and nonwovens industries, the latter notably, are significantly expanding amid the pandemic. A recent forecast[1] predicts that the global polypropylene nonwoven fabric market will continue to rise at a CAGR of 6.7%, reaching USD 39.23 billion by 2028. The anticipated growth is bolstered by demands in end-use industries such as sanitation, medical, automotive and more. In 2020, Asia Pacific was named the largest regional market in the world and is expected to grow significantly over the forecasted period.

The prediction reaffirms the growth prospects of nonwovens. In this regard, industry players expressed much optimism about associated future opportunities during Cinte Techtextil China last year. “The field of nonwovens is poised for a positive growth as the awareness of personal hygiene and pandemic prevention sustains in the domestic market,” commented Mr James Gao, Head of Marketing and Textile Technologies, Uster Technologies (China) Co Ltd. He added: “We decided to join the fair and showcase our new launches as we remain confident in the future development of the industry, especially since China is dominating the global scene.”

Going green is the way forward
Turning to yarns and fibres, the sector is shifting to greener and smarter production that echoes the trend towards sustainability that is gaining considerable traction across the globe. Meanwhile in China, this movement was observed by many exhibitors at the 2021 edition, including Mr Roberto Galante, Plant Manager of FMMG Technical Textiles (Suzhou) Co Ltd, the Chinese subsidiary of the Fil Man Made Group. He mentioned: “The market is paying more attention to environmental protection, and we receive enquiries about special yarns for this every day. We focus on technical yarns for filtration as well as anti-bacterial properties, which are very important for the environment. The potential here in China is incredible and this is a big opportunity for everybody.”

Cinte Techtextil China’s product categories cover 12 application areas, which comprehensively span across a full range of potential uses in modern technical textiles and nonwovens. These categories also cover the entire industry, from upstream technology and raw material providers to finished fabrics, chemicals and other solutions. This scope of product groups and application areas ensures that the fair is an effective business platform for the entire industry.

(c) DiloGroup

DiloGroup at Techtextil with nonwovens technology

The DiloGroup informs at Techtextil in Frankfurt (June 21 – 24, 2022) about new developments aimed at improving production technologies with a focus on needlefelts.

It becomes more evident that the textile industry comes into the focus of regulatory authorities who push respecting sustainability principles and who initiate a new body of laws. Hence all industrial sectors are requested to achieve savings in material and energy. The textile machine building, of course, plays an important role by seizing this initiative and offering solutions for fibre pulp recycling and reduction of energy, water and ancillaries. DiloGroup has made big efforts to meet these challenges together with a circle of partner companies. In this regard focal points of the development work are:

The DiloGroup informs at Techtextil in Frankfurt (June 21 – 24, 2022) about new developments aimed at improving production technologies with a focus on needlefelts.

It becomes more evident that the textile industry comes into the focus of regulatory authorities who push respecting sustainability principles and who initiate a new body of laws. Hence all industrial sectors are requested to achieve savings in material and energy. The textile machine building, of course, plays an important role by seizing this initiative and offering solutions for fibre pulp recycling and reduction of energy, water and ancillaries. DiloGroup has made big efforts to meet these challenges together with a circle of partner companies. In this regard focal points of the development work are:

  1. Intense Needling
    Needling per se is a mechanical production method with a high energy efficiency. For this reason, the development efforts of DiloGroup aim at producing nonwovens by “intense needling” instead of water entangling, even for light nonwovens made of fine fibres for the medical and hygiene sector with an area weight of 30 – 100 g/m². This would result in a reduction of the environmentally relevant production costs; per annum to about 1/3 to 1/5 of current.
    Despite the prospective advantages of the mechanical intense needling method over the hydrodynamical, water entanglement is at the moment the most important production method for low area weights and highest production capacity and is also offered by the DiloGroup as general contractor in cooperation with partner companies.
  2. “Fibre Pulp Recycling”
    Fibrous material in nonwovens and particularly used clothes can be successfully recycled, if staple length can be conserved in the tearing process. In the classical tearing process, staple lengths are dramatically reduced and therefore these fibres can only be used as base material for inferior uses in thermal or acoustic insulation or in protective textiles, transportation or protective covers etc.
    When recycling textile waste in the context of the collection of used clothes, the so called “filament-saving” tearing using special tearing machines and methods must be used to produce fibres with longer staple lengths which can be fed to a nonwoven installation. Hence product characteristics can be better specified and controlled.
  3. Additive nonwoven production
    The additive production method of the “3D-Lofter” is especially suited for automotive parts with differently distributed masses; but there may also be potential for increasing uses in the sector of apparel and shoe production.
  4. “IsoFeed”-card feeding
    In the field of card feeding, the “IsoFeed” method offers great potential for a more homogeneous card feeding at the same time reducing the variation in cross-machine fibre mass distribution and thus the fibre consumption while conserving the end product quality.


(c) Oerlikon
The new Staple Fiber Technology Center in Neumünster

Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions at Techtextil 2022

  • Sustainable infrastructure solutions, road safety and health protection

At this year’s Techtextil, Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions will be presenting the trade audience with new applications, special processes and sustainable solutions focusing on the production of industrial textiles. Among other things, the company will be showcasing new technology for charging nonwovens that sets new standards with regards to quality and efficiency. Between June 21 and 24, the discussions will be concentrating on airbags, seat belts, tire cord, geotextiles, filter nonwovens and their diverse applications.

  • Sustainable infrastructure solutions, road safety and health protection

At this year’s Techtextil, Oerlikon Polymer Processing Solutions will be presenting the trade audience with new applications, special processes and sustainable solutions focusing on the production of industrial textiles. Among other things, the company will be showcasing new technology for charging nonwovens that sets new standards with regards to quality and efficiency. Between June 21 and 24, the discussions will be concentrating on airbags, seat belts, tire cord, geotextiles, filter nonwovens and their diverse applications.

More polyester for airbags
Airbags have become an integral part of our everyday automotive lives. The yarns used in them are made predominantly from polyamide. As a result of increasingly diverse airbag applications and also the increasing size of the systems used, polyester is today used as well, depending on the application requirements and cost-benefit considerations. Against this background, the Oerlikon Barmag technologies make an invaluable contribution. In addition to high productivity and low energy consumption, they particularly excel in terms of their stable production processes. Furthermore, they comply with every high quality standard for airbags, which – as in the case of virtually all other textile products used in vehicle construction – must provide the highest level of safety for vehicle occupants. And all this without any loss of function in any climate and anywhere in the world for the lifetime of the vehicle.

Buckle up!
Seat belts play a decisive role in protecting vehicle occupants. They have to withstand tensile forces in excess of three tons and simultaneously stretch in a controlled manner in emergencies in order to reduce the load in the event of impact. A seat belt comprises approximately 300 filament yarns, whose individual, high-tenacity yarn threads are spun from around 100 individual filaments.

Invisible, but essential – road reinforcement using geotextiles
But it not just inside vehicles, but also under them, that industrial yarns reveal their strengths. Low stretch, ultra-high tenacity, high rigidity – industrial yarns offer outstanding properties for the demanding tasks carried out by geotextiles; for instance, as geogrids in the base course system under asphalt. Normally, geotextiles have extremely high yarn titers of up to 24,000 denier. Oerlikon Barmag system concepts simultaneously manufacture three filament yarns of 6,000 denier each. Due to the high spinning titers, fewer yarns can be plied together to the required geo-yarn titer in a more cost- and energy-efficient manner.

hycuTEC – technological quantum leap for filter media
In the case of its hycuTEC hydro-charging solution, Oerlikon Neumag offers a new technology for charging nonwovens that increases filter efficiency to more than 99.99%. For meltblown producers, this means material savings of 30% with significantly superior filter performance. For end users, the consequence is noticeably improved comfort resulting from significantly reduced breathing resistance. With its considerably lower water and energy consumption, this new development is also a future-proof, sustainable technology.

New high-tech Staple Fiber Technology Center
Extending to around 2,100 m2, Oerlikon Neumag in Neumünster is home to one of the world’s largest staple fiber technology centers. As of now, these state-of-the-art staple fiber technologies are also available for customer-specific trials.

The focus during the planning and the design of the Technology Center was on optimizing components and processes. Here, special attention was paid to ensuring the process and production parameters in the Technology Center system could be simply and reliably transferred to production systems. Here, the fiber tape processing line is modular in design. All components can be combined with each other as required. And comprehensive set-up options supply detailed findings for the respective process for various fiber products.

The Technology Center is also equipped with two spinning positions for mono- and bi-component processes. The same round spin packs are used for both processes, characterized by excellent fiber quality and properties and meanwhile very successfully deployed in all Oerlikon Neumag production systems. Furthermore, the spinning plant is complemented by automation solutions such as spin pack scraper robots, for example.

More information:
Oerlikon Neumag Techtextil


Mobile robot system for automated loading of a bobbin creel (c) STFI

STFI with sustainable and digital innovations at Techtextil 2022

The Saxon Textile Research Institute (STFI) will be presenting innovative highlights from research and development at Techtextil 2022, the international trade fair for technical textiles and nonwovens. In addition to a warp-knitted textile façade greening in a modular system and textile lightweight construction elements for the building sector made from hemp as a renewable raw material, the STFI will also be showing innovations from nonwovens research. The project optiformTEX is an example of the nonwovens competence: in this project, the mass per unit area was specifically influenced for the production of semi-finished products in the automotive sector. Furthermore, the Chemnitz Institute exhibits an ecological foam coating for protective textiles. Central highlight of the STFI's presence at the fair is also a mobile robot system, which demonstrates the automated loading of a small-scale bobbin creel.

The Saxon Textile Research Institute (STFI) will be presenting innovative highlights from research and development at Techtextil 2022, the international trade fair for technical textiles and nonwovens. In addition to a warp-knitted textile façade greening in a modular system and textile lightweight construction elements for the building sector made from hemp as a renewable raw material, the STFI will also be showing innovations from nonwovens research. The project optiformTEX is an example of the nonwovens competence: in this project, the mass per unit area was specifically influenced for the production of semi-finished products in the automotive sector. Furthermore, the Chemnitz Institute exhibits an ecological foam coating for protective textiles. Central highlight of the STFI's presence at the fair is also a mobile robot system, which demonstrates the automated loading of a small-scale bobbin creel.

Highlights at Techtextil 2022
The greened façade tile is a system with which large building surfaces can be cost-effectively greened through a simple, modular segment structure. In addition to insulating the building, the system has been created to meet the design requirements of a modern city centre; low-maintenance greening is made possible through functional integration in the textile carrier layer and coordinated plant selection.

Moulded components made of natural fibre nonwovens are increasingly used in the automotive sector. Conventional nonwovens currently have uniform masses per unit area. Technical solutions for load-oriented component reinforcement and the resulting optimised use of materials represent an enormous economic potential. The basic idea of “optiformTEX” was therefore to specifically influence the mass per unit area distribution in the pile before the semi-finished product is consolidated. As a result, a textile-technological process and the corresponding plant component were successfully developed.

Future-oriented materials are offered by developments from the field of renewable raw materials in combination with bio-based resin systems: In the “Gro-Coce” project, an innovative ceiling system was developed by combining sustainable building products and methods. Currently, a high-performance hemp-based semi-finished product as well as the steps for its reproducible production by means of textile surface formation is developed by the research team. Initial application and load tests of the hemp-based semi-finished products on wooden beams confirmed the high performance potential of the natural fibre materials.

Special functional textiles are based on composite materials with coatings or membranes. The previous production of the coatings/membranes poses ecological and health risks. At STFI, solvent-free, purely aqueous coating systems and a technology for their application were therefore developed for the protective textile sector, resulting in a breathable, waterproof and wash-resistant textile coating.

The central highlight of the STFI's presence at the fair is a mobile robot system, which demonstrates the automated loading of a small-scale bobbin creel. At the STFI, the robot is part of the “textile factory of the future”, where a play mat is woven and processed step by step along the textile chain.


Monforts at Techtextil showcasing its finishing and coating technologies

The Techtextil and Heimtextil Summer Special exhibitions, taking place together in Frankfurt from June 21-24, represent an opportunity for Monforts to showcase its finishing and coating technologies for two of its major markets – especially at a time when energy prices continue to soar for textile manufacturers in Europe.

Existing customers of Monforts include many manufacturers in the field of home textiles, as well as those making geotextiles, automotive fabrics and other functional materials – all of whom will be well represented in Frankfurt this June. Dedicated Montex lines have also been supplied to producers of airbags, flame retardant barrier fabrics and spacer fabrics, as well as high-temperature filter materials.

The Techtextil and Heimtextil Summer Special exhibitions, taking place together in Frankfurt from June 21-24, represent an opportunity for Monforts to showcase its finishing and coating technologies for two of its major markets – especially at a time when energy prices continue to soar for textile manufacturers in Europe.

Existing customers of Monforts include many manufacturers in the field of home textiles, as well as those making geotextiles, automotive fabrics and other functional materials – all of whom will be well represented in Frankfurt this June. Dedicated Montex lines have also been supplied to producers of airbags, flame retardant barrier fabrics and spacer fabrics, as well as high-temperature filter materials.

Energy prices are rising steeply everywhere and a particular emphasis for Monforts in Frankfurt will be on the energy and heat recovery that can be achieved with Montex stenters, through features such as better insulation of the treatment chambers or the MonforClean system, in which waste heat from the drying process is used to pre-heat the drying air resulting in a radical reduction in the conventional heat supply required compared to gas and thermal oil heating. The modular system for heat recovery can also be extended for exhaust air cleaning and odour elimination. Monforts can provide a range of further resource-saving and energy recovery options tailored to each individual line installation including modification of the heating source.

With the Qualitex 800 visualization software, all article-specific settings can be stored and the formulations for thousands of treatment processes called up again at any time. Individual operators can also personalise their dashboards with the most important machine functions and process parameters.

The Qualitex 800 system is available for the automatic and continuous operation of the company’s Montex stenters, as well as its Thermex continuous dyeing ranges, Monfortex shrinking systems and Montex®Coat coating units.

Monforts Montex®Coat coating units serve an equally diverse number of markets, including tents, tarpaulins and awnings, black-out roller blinds and sail cloth, automotive interior fabrics and medical disposables. Full PVC coatings, pigment dyeing or minimal application surface and low penetration treatments and solvent coatings (in explosion-proof conditions) with knife coating, roller coating or screen printing can all be accommodated with this system.

All of these very different materials require coating and finishing for maximum efficiency, using Monforts technologies which provide the ultimate in flexibility and the ability to switch quickly from one fabric run to the next, without compromising on the economical use of energy or raw materials.

The Monforts EcoApplicator offers further potential for sustainably achieving perfect finishes via a precise direct application system, as an alternative to conventional padding – where fabrics are immersed in a bath of the required finishing chemicals. It can significantly further reduce the energy and water required and finishes can be applied on just one side of the fabric, or both, and even separately on each side, to be sealed in place via different heating zones in the stenter.


A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG / AWOL Media

(c) 2022, SSM

Swiss Textile Machinery members at Techtextil

High-performance yarns now offer almost unlimited possibilities for replacing traditional raw materials in a vast range of technical applications. Often tailor-made, these filament yarns go way beyond the conventional idea of ‘textiles’ – finding new uses in sectors such as automotive, aviation, maritime, medical and construction, among many others.

Technical textiles are everywhere in our daily lives today, even if we may not always realize it. Some are in more obviously textile products, from sewing threads to artificial turf. But then, take cars as an example: modern vehicles are stuffed with parts made from sophisticated yarns. It’s common for producers of automotive parts now to send template material and requirement lists to Swiss Textile Machinery members, trusting their expertise and experience. Members operate development and testing centers with latest machine installations, where their experts devise customized solutions, as well as calling on the pure innovative spirit which is part of their DNA.

High-performance yarns now offer almost unlimited possibilities for replacing traditional raw materials in a vast range of technical applications. Often tailor-made, these filament yarns go way beyond the conventional idea of ‘textiles’ – finding new uses in sectors such as automotive, aviation, maritime, medical and construction, among many others.

Technical textiles are everywhere in our daily lives today, even if we may not always realize it. Some are in more obviously textile products, from sewing threads to artificial turf. But then, take cars as an example: modern vehicles are stuffed with parts made from sophisticated yarns. It’s common for producers of automotive parts now to send template material and requirement lists to Swiss Textile Machinery members, trusting their expertise and experience. Members operate development and testing centers with latest machine installations, where their experts devise customized solutions, as well as calling on the pure innovative spirit which is part of their DNA.

At the extremes
Technology drives applications beyond our current imagining in the case of Heberlein air splicers. Developed for a wide range of uses with high-strength technical fibers, they have no problems splicing aramid fibers up to 16’100 dtex, carbon up to 30’000 dtex, Dyneema up to 5’500 dtex, and glass up to 4’800 tex. Using compressed air, the splicers produce a tear-resistant, homogeneous splice of material without interfering knots.

Retech has the technology to achieve specifications for filament yarns, drawing and stretching fibers to perfection. Top heated godet rolls – many customized – are developed for high-performance fibers. Temperatures up to 400 °C can be achieved. Combining the right settings and wide speed ranges for each specific process results in unique end-products.

Fabric producers of high-end applications must avoid any quality risk. Yarn producers are well aware of this responsibility, so they use precision package winders for technical yarns, developed by Rieter’s subsidiary SSM. Taking yarns from ring twisting bobbins, its specialist finish winders can produce coarse-count technical yarns up to 50’000 dtex, offering a new level of flexibility and winding quality.

Lifestyle essentials
At first glance, motorists might fail to notice many of the technical yarns ‘hidden’ inside their cars. These products have functions such as providing stability with hardly any weight, or absorbing tensile forces at defined elongation. This kind of controlled elongation behaviour, for example, arises from the choice of textile material and the special construction of the yarns used.

Such specifications make twisting and cabling machines essential for the automotive industry. Saurer offers machines for the production of technical yarns made from a variety of feed materials in a very wide yarn count range. They are needed for vehicle products such as tire carcasses, toothed engine belts, seat belts, airbags and lorry tarpaulins.

Technical yarns also play a surprising role in our mobile devices. Tapping, scrolling and swiping are second nature for billions, with our phones and a plethora of other lifestyle essentials. Yet, how many people would know that the touch-sensitivity we take for granted on these screens is largely made possible by twisted glass fibers. Bräcker, part of Rieter’s components business, offers a selection of vertical sinter metal rings and nylon travelers for glass fiber twisting, so that mills can achieve high levels of productivity and quality.

Future unlimited
Automotive and communication technology are already important industries for Swiss Textile Machinery members, along with well-known technical textiles markets in sectors such as medical, transport and construction. Smart-wear is already noted as a field with significant potential. Naturally, members are constantly investigating other possibilities. Swiss textile machinery is already applied in energy (batteries), and plastics.

The Swiss Textile Machinery Pavilion will be at the Techtextil exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany, taking place from 21 to 24 June 2022.