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GKD auf der INDEX 2020

Innovative Prozessbandkonstruktionen als sicherer Schutz gegen Elektrostatik und Anhaftungen

Zur größten globalen Vliesstoffmesse, der INDEX in Genf, unterstreicht die technische Weberei GKD – Gebr. Kufferath AG (GKD) einmal mehr ihre ganzheitliche Beratungs- und Engineering-Kompetenz für die Nonwovens-Industrie. Getreu der Unternehmensvision, nur solche Produkte und Lösungen zu schaffen, die die Welt gesünder, sicherer und sauberer machen, präsentiert GKD hier ein umfassendes Spektrum an Gewebe- und Spiralgliederbändern für die Vliesformierung, -trocknung und -verfestigung. Im Mittelpunkt des Messeauftritts stehen zwei wegweisende Entwicklungen: CONDUCTO® 7690 mit metallischen Multifilen und antihaftbeschichtete Glashybrid-Gewebebänder. Abgerundet wird der Messeauftritt durch maßgeschneiderte Filtermedien aus Metallgewebe, die in Zentralfiltern, Spinnbalken und Anblassieben der Polymerfiltration nachweislich neue Maßstäbe setzen. Zu allen Themen stehen die langjährig erfahrenen GKD-Experten bei der INDEX für vertiefende Gespräche zur Verfügung.

Innovative Prozessbandkonstruktionen als sicherer Schutz gegen Elektrostatik und Anhaftungen

Zur größten globalen Vliesstoffmesse, der INDEX in Genf, unterstreicht die technische Weberei GKD – Gebr. Kufferath AG (GKD) einmal mehr ihre ganzheitliche Beratungs- und Engineering-Kompetenz für die Nonwovens-Industrie. Getreu der Unternehmensvision, nur solche Produkte und Lösungen zu schaffen, die die Welt gesünder, sicherer und sauberer machen, präsentiert GKD hier ein umfassendes Spektrum an Gewebe- und Spiralgliederbändern für die Vliesformierung, -trocknung und -verfestigung. Im Mittelpunkt des Messeauftritts stehen zwei wegweisende Entwicklungen: CONDUCTO® 7690 mit metallischen Multifilen und antihaftbeschichtete Glashybrid-Gewebebänder. Abgerundet wird der Messeauftritt durch maßgeschneiderte Filtermedien aus Metallgewebe, die in Zentralfiltern, Spinnbalken und Anblassieben der Polymerfiltration nachweislich neue Maßstäbe setzen. Zu allen Themen stehen die langjährig erfahrenen GKD-Experten bei der INDEX für vertiefende Gespräche zur Verfügung.

Maximale Prozesssicherheit und Anlagenverfügbarkeit entscheiden in der Vliesstoffindustrie über Wirtschaftlichkeit der Produktion und Produkterfolg. Eine zentrale Aufgabe übernehmen dabei Transport- und Prozessbänder von GKD durch anlagen- und produktspezifisch ausgelegte Gewebekonstruktionen und Werkstoffe.

Spunlaid-Vliesformierung: Metallische Ableitung auch für Hygieneprodukte
Mit CONDUCTO® 7690, einer Gewebekonstruktion aus Polyester-Monofilen und metallischen Multifilen, ist es GKD gelungen, Elektrostatik ableitendes Metall so aufzubereiten, dass es auch für anspruchsvolle Medizin- und Hygieneprodukte risikolos einsetzbar ist. Das jüngste Mitglied der CONDUCTO®-Familie ermöglicht eine bis zu zehn Mal höhere Ableitung elektrostatischer Aufladung als herkömmliche Bänder. Die webtechnisch auf der Bandrückseite eingebrachte Metallfaser hat keinen Kontakt zum Produkt. Das flexible Garn aus Edelstahlfasern korrodiert nicht, ist robust und biegewechselfreundlich. Zugleich optimiert es die Ableitung elektrostatischer Aufladung in bisher nicht gekanntem Maße. Diese Eigenschaften paart die neue Gewebekonstruktion mit den bekannten Vorteilen aller CONDUCTO®-Formierbänder: hoher Mitnahmeeffekt, homogene Vliesbildung, optimale Vliesabnahme und einfache Reinigung.

Vliesverfestigung und -trocknung: Jahrelange Laufzeit ohne Anhaftungen
Ein deutliches Plus an Prozesseffizienz kennzeichnet die Erfolgsbilanz der antihaftbeschichteten Glashybrid-Gewebebänder von GKD: Im mehrjährigen Praxiseinsatz als Ober- und Unterband haben sie in anspruchsvollen Thermobonding-Prozessen mit stark klebenden Produkten die hohen Erwartungen an Prozessperformance und Produktqualität weit übertroffen. Die einlagige Gewebekonstruktion aus Metalldrähten im Schuss und Glasfaserlitze als Kette macht die Bänder zu energieeffizienten Leichtgewichten. Jahrelange Laufzeit, minimierte Reinigungsintervalle und hohe Fertigungsgeschwindigkeit unterstreichen ihre Wirtschaftlichkeit. Auch bei großen Arbeitsbreiten oder starken Schrumpfkräften des Produktes überzeugen die Glashybrid-Gewebebänder durch exzellente Querstabilität und Laufeigenschaften. Ihre vollständige hochwertige PFA-Beschichtung schützt Drähte, Litzen und Kreuzungspunkte sogar bei stark klebenden Produkten oder dem Einsatz von BiCo-Fasern vor Anhaftungen aller Art. Glashybrid-Gewebebänder sind Temperaturbeständig bis 250 Grad Celsius und längen sich nicht.

Converting: Praxisbewährte und leistungsstarke Alternative
Kundenspezifisch angepasste Spiralgliederbänder aus eigener Fertigung ergänzen die bewährte Prozessband-Palette von GKD. Insbesondere bei sehr breiten oder schnelllaufenden Anlagen, auf denen Hygieneprodukte hergestellt werden, sind die Spiralgliederbänder oftmals eine attraktive Alternative. Mit hoher Luftdurchlässigkeit und Formstabilität unterstreichen sie einmal mehr die ganzheitliche Prozess- und Transportbandkompetenz von GKD.

Polymerfiltration: Lange Standzeiten, präzise Filtration
Im Zentralfilter verleihen prozessabhängig ausgelegte, mehrlagige Metallgewebesiebe von GKD den Siebwechslern lange Standzeiten. Die aus bis zu sechs Lagen Optimiertem Tressengewebe gefertigten Filterronden oder -kerzen überzeugen durch hohe Schmutzaufnahmekapazität, feine Abscheideraten und geringe Verblockungsneigung. Im Spinnbalken optimieren anwendungsindividuelle Medien in Langfiltern oder Ronden die Filtration des Schmelzflusses und verlängern gleichzeitig die Standzeiten der Spinndüsen. Anblassiebe aus Wabenträgerplatten, die beidseitig mit speziell veredelten Gewebekonstruktionen bestückt werden, gewährleisten durch eine homogenisierte Strömung gleichmäßigen Faserfluss.



(c) Oerlikon

Domotex 2020: Manmade Fibers shows BCF S8 with new CPC-T

Market leader Oerlikon Neumag has its finger firmly on the pulse of their customers with the new Color Pop Compacting unit (CPC-T) for the BCF S8 carpet yarn plant, which is now available for the Polyamide 6 process. The new solution, which was on show from 10-13 January 2020 at the Domotex 2020 in Hannover, attracted great interest from many trade visitors.

Following the trend for multicolored carpets, BCF S8 sets new standards in regards to color separation. The plant, launched as a tricolor solution at last year’s ITMA in Barcelona, makes anything possible – from mélange to strongly separated. It promises carpet yarn producers even more flexible color mixing variants for product differentiation. The core component in this process, the Color Pop Compacting unit (CPC-T), offers more than 200,000 different color shades from three colors. The innovation, which has been filed for patent, is available for polypropylene and polyester polymers as well as for the polyamide 6 process.

Market leader Oerlikon Neumag has its finger firmly on the pulse of their customers with the new Color Pop Compacting unit (CPC-T) for the BCF S8 carpet yarn plant, which is now available for the Polyamide 6 process. The new solution, which was on show from 10-13 January 2020 at the Domotex 2020 in Hannover, attracted great interest from many trade visitors.

Following the trend for multicolored carpets, BCF S8 sets new standards in regards to color separation. The plant, launched as a tricolor solution at last year’s ITMA in Barcelona, makes anything possible – from mélange to strongly separated. It promises carpet yarn producers even more flexible color mixing variants for product differentiation. The core component in this process, the Color Pop Compacting unit (CPC-T), offers more than 200,000 different color shades from three colors. The innovation, which has been filed for patent, is available for polypropylene and polyester polymers as well as for the polyamide 6 process.

Polyester, recycling polyester and fine titers are on trend
During numerous conversations with customers, Martin Rademacher, Head of Sales Oerlikon Neumag, observed a noticeable trend for polyester in the carpet industry even outside the USA. Sustainable solutions are equally sought after: “Our customers increasingly demand plants that can process recycled polyester,” explains Martin Rademacher.

The Manmade Fibers segment presented an additional solution by Oerlikon Barmag for polyester applications that need fine single filament titers from 0.5 dpf and high filament counts: Puffy, soft polyester filament yarns with BCF-similiar properties are produced on the basis of a POY and texturing process. Core components of the processes are the POY take-up unit WINGS HD as well as the new texturing machine eAFK Big-V.

Messe Frankfurt (HK): Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd: Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles August
Messe Frankfurt (HK): Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles

Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd: Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles August 2020

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition will return from 24 – 26 August 2020 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA). Stepping into its 26th edition, the trade fair will provide exhibitors the perfect opportunity to introduce new products and expand their distribution networks, as well as serving as a source of information and inspiration for professionals in every aspect of the industry.
Celebrating its 25th anniversary last August, the Autumn Edition of Intertextile attracted 1,147 exhibitors from 27 countries & regions, as well as 35,390 trade buyers from 117 countries & regions (2018: 104), reflecting the increasing internationalism of Messe Frankfurt’s textile fairs in China, and the growing opportunities for international suppliers to meet a wide range of buyers in Shanghai. The trade fair’s capacity to attract large and diverse crowds has reinforced its status as the leading business platform for the home textile industry in the Asia Pacific region.

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition will return from 24 – 26 August 2020 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and the China Home Textile Association (CHTA). Stepping into its 26th edition, the trade fair will provide exhibitors the perfect opportunity to introduce new products and expand their distribution networks, as well as serving as a source of information and inspiration for professionals in every aspect of the industry.
Celebrating its 25th anniversary last August, the Autumn Edition of Intertextile attracted 1,147 exhibitors from 27 countries & regions, as well as 35,390 trade buyers from 117 countries & regions (2018: 104), reflecting the increasing internationalism of Messe Frankfurt’s textile fairs in China, and the growing opportunities for international suppliers to meet a wide range of buyers in Shanghai. The trade fair’s capacity to attract large and diverse crowds has reinforced its status as the leading business platform for the home textile industry in the Asia Pacific region.
In the next edition, a large collection of quality Chinese companies, as well as premier overseas brands will once again present the entire spectrum of home and contract textile products including:

  • Textile editors
  • Whole Home Products
  • Windows & Upholstery
  • Bedding, Bath, Kitchen & Table
  • Carpets & Rugs
  • Sun-Protection
  • Wallcovering
  • Digital Print & Technics
  • Fibers, Yarns & Chemicals
  • Textile Designs

Opportunities abound in China’s home textiles market
“The upcoming Autumn Edition of Intertextile is set to offer suppliers and buyers the best platform to capture new business opportunities, especially as we continue to focus on bringing together more key players from the textiles, interiors, architecture and hospitality sectors in China and internationally,” Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd said.
“Over the years, Intertextile has been evolving from a traditional trade fair to an immersive and interactive experience that inspires and engages attendees. Today, the fair is more than a business platform; it also delivers state-of-the-art home trends, valuable networking opportunities, as well as innovative and strategic solutions for brand development through a series of fringe programme events,” Ms Wen further explained.
As one of the selected exhibitors featured in the Talks & Tours series at the 2019 fair, Mr Thomas Luys, Sales Manager of LIBECO-LAGAE: “We had quite a diverse range of visitors, including an increase in e-commerce buyers, but also more traditional upholstery fabrics buyers. Our booth was also part of the Talks & Tours, so it was important to tell our story to a diverse range of visitors on this tour.”
To find out more about this fair, please visit:
For more information about Messe Frankfurt textile fairs worldwide, please visit:



(c) Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd

Oerlikon (c) Oerlikon

Oerlikon: BCF S8 with CPC-T - color separation has never been so easy

Oerlikon Neumag promises more flexibility in the color pattern design of carpets with the latest carpet yarn system BCF S8 at DOMOTEX 2020 in Hanover. All trade fair visitors can convince themselves of the possibilities for product differentiation in Hall 11, Stand A36.

Multi-colored carpets are becoming increasingly popular and the desire for significantly more flexible color mixing variants for product differentiation is increasing. Oerlikon Neumag has focused on this and developed the BCF S8, a platform that leaves nothing to be desired when it comes to the color separation of tricolor yarns - from mélange to strongly separated.

Over 200,000 different shades out of three colors
The core component in this process is the new, patent-pending Color Pop Compacting Unit (CPC-T) for an even more flexible and even color separation. Individually controllable air pressures per color in the CPC-T provide a pre-tangling, which results in an accentuation of the colors and thus enables over 200,000 different shades.

Oerlikon Neumag promises more flexibility in the color pattern design of carpets with the latest carpet yarn system BCF S8 at DOMOTEX 2020 in Hanover. All trade fair visitors can convince themselves of the possibilities for product differentiation in Hall 11, Stand A36.

Multi-colored carpets are becoming increasingly popular and the desire for significantly more flexible color mixing variants for product differentiation is increasing. Oerlikon Neumag has focused on this and developed the BCF S8, a platform that leaves nothing to be desired when it comes to the color separation of tricolor yarns - from mélange to strongly separated.

Over 200,000 different shades out of three colors
The core component in this process is the new, patent-pending Color Pop Compacting Unit (CPC-T) for an even more flexible and even color separation. Individually controllable air pressures per color in the CPC-T provide a pre-tangling, which results in an accentuation of the colors and thus enables over 200,000 different shades.

Color Pop Compacting also for PA6 yarns
Until now, it was difficult to produce highly color-separated or accentuated BCF yarns from polyamide 6, but in the future, this will be possible thanks to the CPC-T. Thanks to the new design, the CPC-T is now also suitable for processes with low thread tensions.



(c) Saurer Technologies GmbH & Co. KG

Automation – a key theme for Saurer Twisting Solutions at Domotex 2020

Domotex, the world's largest trade fair for floor coverings, will take place in Hanover from 10 to 13 January 2020. Saurer Twisting Solutions is looking forward to welcoming customers and visitors at their Booth B35 in Hall 11.

Automation solutions made to measure for processing BCF yarns
At Domotex, Saurer Twisting Solutions will present customer-optimised solutions for process automation and product cost reduction. Automation of the material transport systems offers significant customer benefits. This is because these systems are individually adapted to the needs of clients and enable an optimum material flow throughout the entire twisting mill.

Easier and faster with new machine generation
Amongst other things, the new carpet yarn machine, the CarpetCabler CarpetTwister 1.10 and the automated guided vehicle PackDrive will be presented.

Domotex, the world's largest trade fair for floor coverings, will take place in Hanover from 10 to 13 January 2020. Saurer Twisting Solutions is looking forward to welcoming customers and visitors at their Booth B35 in Hall 11.

Automation solutions made to measure for processing BCF yarns
At Domotex, Saurer Twisting Solutions will present customer-optimised solutions for process automation and product cost reduction. Automation of the material transport systems offers significant customer benefits. This is because these systems are individually adapted to the needs of clients and enable an optimum material flow throughout the entire twisting mill.

Easier and faster with new machine generation
Amongst other things, the new carpet yarn machine, the CarpetCabler CarpetTwister 1.10 and the automated guided vehicle PackDrive will be presented.

More information:
Saurer Domotex 2020 Automation

Saurer Technologies GmbH & Co. KG



  • Focus on Productivity and Efficiency

MS Printing Solutions at the next Heimtextil will focus on presenting textile printing solutions to boost cost-effective and high-quality productions, answering to Industry leaders in home and contract textile who need: productivity, quality and beneficial production process.

Attendees will see a JP4 EVO 3200 printer at work, with Bellagio reactive ink made by JK Group. This is one of MS' solutions which streamlines printing processes, reduces production times and maintenance costs, improving efficiency by:

  • Focus on Productivity and Efficiency

MS Printing Solutions at the next Heimtextil will focus on presenting textile printing solutions to boost cost-effective and high-quality productions, answering to Industry leaders in home and contract textile who need: productivity, quality and beneficial production process.

Attendees will see a JP4 EVO 3200 printer at work, with Bellagio reactive ink made by JK Group. This is one of MS' solutions which streamlines printing processes, reduces production times and maintenance costs, improving efficiency by:

  • making the best use of production buildings, minimizing the space occupied by printers: JP4 EVO is compact and functional.
  • taking full advantage of manufacturing-process, reducing downtime therefore improving productivity-performances: JP4 EVO can be fed by external roll unwinder ensuring timing optimization.
  • using inks with a custom-made waveform, lowering the most common defects due to the interaction between ink and printheads, improving your productivity and competitiveness

The show will be the occasion for the Technical and Sales Teams to illustrate all details which characterize Minilario.  The printing machine, launched at the last ITMA, is the ideal choice for those searching for: flexibility, quality, speed, energy efficiency and sustainability, all in one.

The 64 print heads installed on the innovative printing carriage allow Minilario to reach the shocking but real printing speed of 18m/min, fitting the Home and contract textile demand of productivity and quality, applying a cost-effective production process.

The show will offer the opportunity to remark MS's sustainability commitment, started with #transparentaswater project based on the 100/90/10 paradigm aimed to engage the whole Textile Printing Industry in a big change. The commitment continued with MS’s adhesion to the “Sustainable Technologies” project launched by ACIMIT which selects textile machinery and systems manufacturers whose production specifications ensure a low environmental impact, combining sustainability and innovation. MS' printing machines may boast “Green Label” as “Suppliers of Sustainable Technologies” (come and visit us to go deeply inside our sustainability commitment).


Image & Communication JK Group S.p.A.

DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR expands its design influence (c) DOMOTEXasia
Domotex Asia Chinafloor

DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR expands its design influence

DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR (March 24-26) – the leading trade show for carpets and floor coverings in the Asia Pacific region - expands the design and conference area and welcomes new and returning brands.

Shanghai - For the 22nd edition, each flooring sector will have a theme. The highlighted product category in wood is solid wood for ground heating systems. The category is taking over the entire hall showing new technologies, new designs and new products in floor heating. Solid wood for ground heating systems is growing in China – according to China National Forest Products Industry Association, around 80% of China's wood flooring brands have developed the product.

DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR (March 24-26) – the leading trade show for carpets and floor coverings in the Asia Pacific region - expands the design and conference area and welcomes new and returning brands.

Shanghai - For the 22nd edition, each flooring sector will have a theme. The highlighted product category in wood is solid wood for ground heating systems. The category is taking over the entire hall showing new technologies, new designs and new products in floor heating. Solid wood for ground heating systems is growing in China – according to China National Forest Products Industry Association, around 80% of China's wood flooring brands have developed the product.

At the same time the market share is increasing by more than 30% annually. It is expected that by 2025, the market size of solid wood for ground heating systems will reach RMB 10 billion (approx. 1.4 billion USD). The international and local market leaders, such as Junckers, Foglie d’Oro, Edelholz, IBF, Teclic, Nature, Fudeli, Bloor, Jinyi, Licher, Nuogao and Moganshan have already confirmed their participation at the show. Also in this hall we see the latest developments in the market in the dedicated InnovAction campaign.

The resilient flooring section will be spread out to 69,500 sqm gross, featuring Stone Plastic Composite (SPC) flooring. Among the resilient halls, there will be an “Inspiration Hall”, housing InnovAction campaign and design forum, where famous interior designers will educate the audience on using resilient flooring in interior. The InnovAction will be upgraded by showcasing the new products within matching interior spaces. This new way of presenting the InnovAction products is ideal for both manufacturers to share the ideas and for visitors to keep up to date with the market trends.

Carpet section will promote carpet as a driving force for interior design, with a dedicated hall being the epicenter of home and design carpets and the host hall for the Luxury Brands Carpet Show – a showcase of the most sought-after international high-end carpet design brands. After the successful first edition in 2019, Chinese Original Carpet Design Show comes back to promote the works of young Chinese carpet designers. Country pavilions from Germany, Belgium, Iran and Turkey will also showcase their products among the carpet halls. Traditionally DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR has been focused on B2B, however due to the market changes, the end users are more and more welcome to the show. In order to give the oriental carpets and rugs the spotlight and follow the trends, Indian and Afghanistan pavilions will be creating a new area - “Treasure of Orient”.

In 2020, DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR will cover more than 185,000 sqm of gross space, taking up 16 halls at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. Five of the exhibition halls will be dedicated to carpets and rugs, four to wood, bamboo and other hard floors, 2 to FLOORTECH asia and 5 halls to resilient floor coverings. In 2019, the show gathered 1,579 exhibitors from 36 countries and attracted 66,875 trade visitors, of which 15,092 international, coming from 107 nations.


Energy storage in retail: ENERGY STORAGE EUROPE cooperates with EuroShop

At EuroShop 2020 from 16 to 20 February, ECOpark will focus on energy storage solutions, cost reduction and climate protection
In future, the ENERGY STORAGE EUROPE (ESE) trade fair will cooperate with EuroShop, the world’s leading trade fair for retail investment requirements. As part of this cooperation, commercial enterprises will receive information on how they can use storage systems to implement energy saving measures, which in turn help them secure competitive advantages and commit to climate protection. ESE is expanding the user initiative that was started last year and which also comprises the cooperation with ProWein, the world’s leading trade fair for wines and spirits, as well as GNTM, the world’s leading trade fairs for metallurgy and foundry technology. The next ENERGY STORAGE EUROPE will take place in Düsseldorf from 10 to 12 March 2020.

At EuroShop 2020 from 16 to 20 February, ECOpark will focus on energy storage solutions, cost reduction and climate protection
In future, the ENERGY STORAGE EUROPE (ESE) trade fair will cooperate with EuroShop, the world’s leading trade fair for retail investment requirements. As part of this cooperation, commercial enterprises will receive information on how they can use storage systems to implement energy saving measures, which in turn help them secure competitive advantages and commit to climate protection. ESE is expanding the user initiative that was started last year and which also comprises the cooperation with ProWein, the world’s leading trade fair for wines and spirits, as well as GNTM, the world’s leading trade fairs for metallurgy and foundry technology. The next ENERGY STORAGE EUROPE will take place in Düsseldorf from 10 to 12 March 2020.

“Our analyses show that many commercial users in retail, the metal industry and viticulture currently don't see storage as an integrated part of their energy systems and thus do not tap potentials for energy efficiency and climate protection,” says Andreas Moerke, Director ESE. “By cooperating with the leading trade fairs in these industries, we can show thousands of companies how energy storage can contribute to climate protection. In the coming months, we will approach the numerous customers of these trade fairs and connect them to energy storage system providers at ESE.”


Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

(c) Saurer Technologies GmbH & Co. KG

Saurer with the new CableCorder CC5 at the Tire Technology Expo 2020

Experts from the tire industry will meet again in 2020 for the annual Tire Technology Expo in Hanover, Germany. Saurer Twisting Solutions is looking forward to welcoming customers and visitors at Booth 4006 in Hall 6 from 25 to 27 February 2020 and to presenting the innovative CableCorder CC5. With a complete package of numerous innovations, the CC5 once again demonstrates its technological leadership and the associated customer benefits.

The Saurer CableCorder for the production of high-quality tire cord is a permanent fixture in the tire industry. The fifth generation of the CableCorder will appeal to customers with its numerous innovations. It provides Saurer's customers with decisive competitive advantages: they benefit from lower energy consumption, a smart spindle concept, modern quality monitoring, improved ergonomics, flexible automation solutions and the integration of the CableCorder into Senses, the Saurer mill management system.

Experts from the tire industry will meet again in 2020 for the annual Tire Technology Expo in Hanover, Germany. Saurer Twisting Solutions is looking forward to welcoming customers and visitors at Booth 4006 in Hall 6 from 25 to 27 February 2020 and to presenting the innovative CableCorder CC5. With a complete package of numerous innovations, the CC5 once again demonstrates its technological leadership and the associated customer benefits.

The Saurer CableCorder for the production of high-quality tire cord is a permanent fixture in the tire industry. The fifth generation of the CableCorder will appeal to customers with its numerous innovations. It provides Saurer's customers with decisive competitive advantages: they benefit from lower energy consumption, a smart spindle concept, modern quality monitoring, improved ergonomics, flexible automation solutions and the integration of the CableCorder into Senses, the Saurer mill management system.

More information:
Saurer Tire Technology Expo

Saurer Technologies GmbH & Co. KG

© SSM Schärer Schweiter Mettler AG

SSM at ShanghaiTex 2019

At ShanghaiTex SSM presents solutions for precision package winding and high package consistency and provides a wide range of renowned textile machines.

SSM enables yarn dyers to be successful – with the precision package winder PWX. Only a quick response to market trends in combination with high cost-efficiency enables customers to be competitive. The winder offers clear benefits to dye package winding and rewinding of filament and staple fiber yarns, with or without lubrication.

For the XENO-platform SSM presents the first and only self-regulating backpressure system in the world: preciforce™ for a guaranteed package consistency. Furthermore, the next generation of the blade winding powerblade™ will be introduced for the XENO-platform.

At ShanghaiTex SSM presents solutions for precision package winding and high package consistency and provides a wide range of renowned textile machines.

SSM enables yarn dyers to be successful – with the precision package winder PWX. Only a quick response to market trends in combination with high cost-efficiency enables customers to be competitive. The winder offers clear benefits to dye package winding and rewinding of filament and staple fiber yarns, with or without lubrication.

For the XENO-platform SSM presents the first and only self-regulating backpressure system in the world: preciforce™ for a guaranteed package consistency. Furthermore, the next generation of the blade winding powerblade™ will be introduced for the XENO-platform.

 Sustainability Takes Centre-stage At Leading Bangladesh Shows (c) Bangladesh Apparel Exchange

Sustainability Takes Centre-stage At Leading Bangladesh Shows

  • Bangladesh’s biggest denim expo takes place 5-6 November
  • The show runs concurrently with the Sustainable Apparel Forum Bangladesh
  • From 4-6 November, Bangladesh becomes the perfect meeting point for stakeholders in the global apparel industry

DHAKA - Responsibility is the theme of the 11th Bangladesh Denim Expo which takes place on 5th and 6th November at International Convention City in Bashundhara, Dhaka. The event, now firmly established as one of the world’s leading denim trade shows, runs alongside the Bangladesh Sustainable Apparel Forum.

Bangladesh Denim Expo

Around 100 exhibitors from 11 countries, including host Bangladesh, will participate in this year’s denim expo. Other participating countries are china, Japan, Italy, India, Singapore, Brazil, Spain, Pakistan, Turkey and Germany.

  • Bangladesh’s biggest denim expo takes place 5-6 November
  • The show runs concurrently with the Sustainable Apparel Forum Bangladesh
  • From 4-6 November, Bangladesh becomes the perfect meeting point for stakeholders in the global apparel industry

DHAKA - Responsibility is the theme of the 11th Bangladesh Denim Expo which takes place on 5th and 6th November at International Convention City in Bashundhara, Dhaka. The event, now firmly established as one of the world’s leading denim trade shows, runs alongside the Bangladesh Sustainable Apparel Forum.

Bangladesh Denim Expo

Around 100 exhibitors from 11 countries, including host Bangladesh, will participate in this year’s denim expo. Other participating countries are china, Japan, Italy, India, Singapore, Brazil, Spain, Pakistan, Turkey and Germany.

H&M Group is collaborating with Bangladesh Denim Expo for the forthcoming 11th edition of the event and a number of guest speakers will be present from the company, including Pierre Borjesson, head of sustainability, global production. Other guest speakers include Andrew Olah, the founder of Kingpins Denim show, Alice Tonello, R&D director with the Tonello Group, world renowned denim designer, Piero Turk and Jordi Juani, Asia regional director with Jeanologia.

Through a series of product displays, presentations, seminar sessions & panel discussions, the Expo will encourage healthy debate and interaction among exhibitors and visitors to champion a more responsible denim industry. One of these, of course, is sustainability and within this sits the issue of responsibility – an overriding theme of this year’s event. Denim manufacture faces huge challenges with regards its social and environmental responsibility, with production techniques having potentially far-reaching ramifications for the environment as well as people involved in the production process.

However, the industry and its supply chain are making impressive progress on these issues with Bangladesh – now the world’s largest producer of denim – leading the way in terms of addressing some of the sustainability challenges relating to denim production, including excessive use of water and chemicals. Mostafiz Uddin is the organiser of Bangladesh Denim Expo. Uddin has watched with interest the evolution of the denim industry, with each Expo marking continued and gradual progress being made by the more progressive players in the industry.

Uddin says: “The way that business and product development is conducted can have far reaching consequences on the environment, on the people that make the product and the product’s end use & life-span. “It is the duty of all stakeholders in the apparel industry to acknowledge this responsibility and to analyse our business practices, for the benefit of all.” Emphasising the theme of responsibility within Denim Expo is the fact that revenues from the expo support the running and presentation of the Sustainable Apparel Forum.

Sustainable Apparel Forum

The Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF) is the biggest annual sustainable apparel event in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Apparel Exchange (BAE) along with Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) as co-organiser will jointly carry out the 2nd edition of the SAF on 5th Nov 2019.

This is the second edition of the Sustainable Apparel Forum, with the first-ever forum held in 2017 in Dhaka. The objective of this year’s forum is accelerating the momentum of sustainability in Bangladesh apparel industry.

The forum will see more than 50 speakers gathered from Bangladesh and overseas sharing expert opinions across five panel discussions covering current issues in the country’s apparel industry. These include human resources, transparency in business, water conservation, purchasing practices, sustainable chemical management, waste management, circular economy in textiles and climate change to name a few.

Additionally, the conference will host several knowledge building technical presentations from renowned organisations which will cover different issues relating to sustainability, including waste management, protection of the environment and better working conditions.

Speakers at the show include Md. Shahriar Alam, MP, Honourable State Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangladesh, H. E. Benoit Préfonatine High Commissioner, High Commission of Canada, Bangladesh, and Dr. Rubana Huq President, Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers’ and Exporters’ Association, Sheikh Fazle Fahim, President, Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce & Industries, Pierre Börjesson, Head of Sustainability – Global Production, H&M Group, Tuomo Poutiainen, Country Director, International Labor Organization, Peter McCallister, Executive Director, Ethical Trading Initiative and H.E. Winnie Estrup Petersen Ambassador, Embassy of Denmark, Bangladesh.

Prior to this year’s conference, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bangladesh and the Sweden Embassy in Bangladesh will also co-host two roundtable discussion in collaboration with BAE and in association with BGMEA on 4 November, 2019, while H&M, Better Work Bangladesh and C&A Foundation are partners in the event.
The conference will be followed by showcasing different innovative, sustainable & best work practices in RMG manufacturing factories in Bangladesh. Following the discussions, a series of recommendations will be made, and a Sustainability Roadmap for the Bangladesh apparel industry will be formulated.

This year’s SAF promises to be the biggest yet. Added by Mr Mostafiz Uddin in the recent press briefing for the event: “The title for this year’s Sustainable Apparel Forum is enabling sustainability through policy and leadership. The time for talking on sustainability issues is over. It is now time for actions. That’s why the focus of this year’s show is on practical, pragmatic actions the textile industry can adopt to improve its environmental footprint.”

(c) BASF 3D Printing Solutions GmbH

BASF 3D Printing Solutions Presented Cutting-Edge Manufacturing Solutions at K 2019

  • Comprehensive 3D printing expertise in the automotive, aerospace, consumer goods and medical application sectors
  • Hands-on application presentation with a leading RV and trailer manufacturer
  • Content-rich Live Talks with industry-leading business partners
  • Live demonstration of pigmented plastic filaments with BASF Colors & Effects

BASF 3D Printing Solutions (B3DPS) exhibited for the second time at K 2019 in Düsseldorf, Germany. At the world’s biggest trade show for plastics and rubber industry, B3DPS welcomed visitors from October 16 through 23 at the BASF SE stand C21/D21 in Hall 5 and presented its extensive portfolio of 3D printing materials and service solutions aiming at enabling industrial additive manufacturing at scale. What’s more, the company’s 3D printing experts did offer insights into the latest technological innovations and application developments in the “competencies” section.

  • Comprehensive 3D printing expertise in the automotive, aerospace, consumer goods and medical application sectors
  • Hands-on application presentation with a leading RV and trailer manufacturer
  • Content-rich Live Talks with industry-leading business partners
  • Live demonstration of pigmented plastic filaments with BASF Colors & Effects

BASF 3D Printing Solutions (B3DPS) exhibited for the second time at K 2019 in Düsseldorf, Germany. At the world’s biggest trade show for plastics and rubber industry, B3DPS welcomed visitors from October 16 through 23 at the BASF SE stand C21/D21 in Hall 5 and presented its extensive portfolio of 3D printing materials and service solutions aiming at enabling industrial additive manufacturing at scale. What’s more, the company’s 3D printing experts did offer insights into the latest technological innovations and application developments in the “competencies” section.

Customized 3D printing highly attractive to RV and trailer market
The Concept Caravan at the BASF stand gave visitors hands-on experience of the impressive spectrum of applications offered by B3DPS. Alongside complex samples of printed modular construction elements, over one hundred individual parts have been 3D-printed using advanced photopolymer, filament and powder-based ready-to-print material formulations. The RV and trailer market is exceptionally attractive as it can greatly benefit from unique advantages offered by additive-based manufacturing, namely the high customizability of parts with complex geometries as well as the rapid availability of production parts without incurring tool costs. The very diverse material characteristics of the construction elements meet the production requirements for both vehicle exteriors and interior fittings. In addition, the final coating of manufactured parts plays a decisive role in many application areas, and this is also covered by the comprehensive BASF technology portfolio.


BASF 3D Printing Solutions GmbH

Foto: Ulrich Thiele

15th China International Recycled Polyester and PET Packaging Conference & Exhibition

During the conference it was very interesting to see how the Chinese recycling industry in general and the Chinese polyester recycling industry in detail is on its way to digest the drastic measures of the Chinese government to ban the import of any plastic waste from January first, 2018 onward.

While Europe is struggling with individual measures such as the ban on drinking tubes, cotton swabs, balloons, plastic bags or disposable tableware, the Chinese leadership has created eight ministerial administrative units covering the entire complex of environmental protection, renewable energies, circular economy including recycling and climate protection. There is still a substantial gap to European environmental standards but Chinese velocity of progress is impressive in this field.

More than 360 delegates form China and oversees listened to the latest results in polyester recycling technology, production and market and exchanged their recent experiences. Especially the exhibition was core of social and technical networking.

During the conference it was very interesting to see how the Chinese recycling industry in general and the Chinese polyester recycling industry in detail is on its way to digest the drastic measures of the Chinese government to ban the import of any plastic waste from January first, 2018 onward.

While Europe is struggling with individual measures such as the ban on drinking tubes, cotton swabs, balloons, plastic bags or disposable tableware, the Chinese leadership has created eight ministerial administrative units covering the entire complex of environmental protection, renewable energies, circular economy including recycling and climate protection. There is still a substantial gap to European environmental standards but Chinese velocity of progress is impressive in this field.

More than 360 delegates form China and oversees listened to the latest results in polyester recycling technology, production and market and exchanged their recent experiences. Especially the exhibition was core of social and technical networking.

Two contributions from governmental organizations and three from industry associations are underlining the high administrative attention of the recycling issue and loop economy in general.


Dr. Thiele Polyester Technology

 50. Ausgabe: Heimtextil feiert ein halbes Jahrhundert Weltleitmesse (c) Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

50th edition: Heimtextil celebrates half a century as a leading trade fair

  • Heimtextil celebrates its anniversary: from 7-10 January 2020, the global home textiles industry will meet for the 50th time in Frankfurt am Main.

With a great anniversary party, a showcase presenting design classics from the past few decades, an anniversary film and other activities, Heimtextil will review the past half century since its first edition in 1971.

‘50 editions over the course of the past five decades are a rarely experienced phenomenon in the fast-moving global trade fair industry and are practically an eternity’, says Detlef Braun, CEO of Messe Frankfurt. ‘Like no other trade fair, Heimtextil stands for product variety, international clout and undisputed market leadership in the textile sector’. As a design show, it constantly reinvents itself, continues to present
state-of-the-art home trends as it has always done and makes the furnishing trends of tomorrow tangible’.

Big celebration party on the Wednesday of the trade fair

  • Heimtextil celebrates its anniversary: from 7-10 January 2020, the global home textiles industry will meet for the 50th time in Frankfurt am Main.

With a great anniversary party, a showcase presenting design classics from the past few decades, an anniversary film and other activities, Heimtextil will review the past half century since its first edition in 1971.

‘50 editions over the course of the past five decades are a rarely experienced phenomenon in the fast-moving global trade fair industry and are practically an eternity’, says Detlef Braun, CEO of Messe Frankfurt. ‘Like no other trade fair, Heimtextil stands for product variety, international clout and undisputed market leadership in the textile sector’. As a design show, it constantly reinvents itself, continues to present
state-of-the-art home trends as it has always done and makes the furnishing trends of tomorrow tangible’.

Big celebration party on the Wednesday of the trade fair

Messe Frankfurt will be inviting exhibitors and visitors to the highlight of the celebrations, the big Heimtextil @ Night party in hall 11.1 on Wednesday, 8 January 2020. Heimtextil exhibitors from the very beginning will be warmly welcomed and paid special attention. As part of the celebrations, Messe Frankfurt will present an anniversary film with a look back at earlier Heimtextil editions as well as music acts from the last five decades.

In hall 9.0, Heimtextil will present design classics from the past 50 years in a special showcase area. Here, the trade fair will invite people to take a journey through time and a tour of discovery through five  decades of Heimtextil history. The presentation is based on editorials from interior magazines. Four rooms incorporate colours, shapes, furniture and design objects from past decades. The showcase is complemented by a café that will be realised in cooperation with Schöner Wohnen, Europe's largest living magazine.

Exclusive offer: anniversary scarf in the Heimtextil look

To mark the anniversary, Heimtextil will launch a textile accessory of its  own creation: a scarf in the look of the current trade fair campaign. The scarf in the unisex colour combination of petrol, turquoise and lilac will be available for exhibitors and visitors to buy during the trade fair.



Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH


Hexcel to Exhibit at CAMX 2019

STAMFORD, Conn. – At this year’s CAMX conference, taking place on September 24-26 in Anaheim, CA (Booth L42), Hexcel will promote its broad portfolio of composite innovations for aerospace and industrial applications.

On display at the Hexcel booth, visitors will see an integrated wing panel demonstrator made with HiMax™ non-crimp reinforcements that were specially developed to complement a new generation of infusion resin systems. Visitors will also see a wing box demonstrator made from HiTape® dry carbon reinforcements. Both parts were injected with Hexcel’s RTM6 infusion resin and incorporate a toughening veil to enhance mechanical properties to meet the structural requirements for aerospace parts.

STAMFORD, Conn. – At this year’s CAMX conference, taking place on September 24-26 in Anaheim, CA (Booth L42), Hexcel will promote its broad portfolio of composite innovations for aerospace and industrial applications.

On display at the Hexcel booth, visitors will see an integrated wing panel demonstrator made with HiMax™ non-crimp reinforcements that were specially developed to complement a new generation of infusion resin systems. Visitors will also see a wing box demonstrator made from HiTape® dry carbon reinforcements. Both parts were injected with Hexcel’s RTM6 infusion resin and incorporate a toughening veil to enhance mechanical properties to meet the structural requirements for aerospace parts.

With 50 years of experience and the most qualified carbon fiber positions on aerospace programs in the industry with its comprehensive range of high-strength, high-strain PAN-based carbon fibers, Hexcel continues to innovate and is introducing a new fiber to its portfolio. HexTow® HM54 combines high modulus and high tensile strength, which allows structural designers to achieve higher safety margins for both stiffness and strength-critical applications. HexTow® carbon fibers are excellent not only for aerospace applications but also industrial and recreational applications. HexTow® carbon fibers are excellent not only for aerospace applications but also industrial and recreational applications, examples of golfing applications will be on display.

Additive manufacturing is on the forefront of innovation for composite technologies, and Hexcel is leading the way with its HexAM® additive manufacturing process. HexAM® additive manufacturing combines high performance PEKK thermoplastics with carbon fiber to produce flight-ready 3D printed HexPEKK® parts. HexPEKK® structures offer significant weight, cost and time-to-market reductions, replacing traditional cast or machined metallic parts in highly demanding aerospace, satellite and defense applications.

HexPly® M77 snap-cure prepregs are yet another example of Hexcel technology leading the way. HexPly® M77HF, the latest member of this quick-curing prepreg family, is revolutionizing the world of composites for high-performance sporting goods with its faster production times and excellent surface quality. It will be featured in the Hexcel booth in two products – a carbon fiber Goode water ski which is setting records in the competitive world with its precision and durability, and in a HED cycling wheel noted for its aerodynamics and light weight.

Among Hexcel’s latest technologies are the RF Interference Control materials made by ARC Technologies, a Hexcel company. A selection of these industry-leading custom RF / EMI and microwave absorbing composite materials for military, aerospace and industrial applications will be on display at the Hexcel booth.

HexForce® bias weave woven reinforcements are a patented solution to optimize material usage. These bias weave reinforcements are continuous rolls of carbon fiber fabric in which the warp and weft yarns are oriented on the bias at +/- 45° which can reduce prepreg waste up to 60%. Visitors at CAMX will be able to see this new woven reinforcement and learn more.




Schoeller Introduces PROEARTH™ Biodegradable Textiles

Schoeller, the global textile solutions manufacturer dedicated to sustainability and innovation for more than 150 years, introduces its new PROEARTH™ collection of biodegradable textiles. The new collection, comprised of bluesign® approved fabrics with biodegradable polyester, will debut as part of its Schoeller FTC (SFTC) line, a joint venture between Schoeller Textil AG and the Taiwanese Formosa Taffeta Co. Ltd., at Premiere Vision Paris, September 17-19, Hall 6, Stand 6J18.

As the founding developer of the bluesign® system, the first activewear and leisurewear manufacturer to receive Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certification, and one of the first companies to sign the UN’s Paris Agreement for climate change, Schoeller continues to be on the cutting edge of sustainable practices, bringing one of the first collections of biodegradable synthetic fabrics to the market. Its most recent development, PROEARTH was created to help offset the more than 16 million tons of textile waste produced in the US alone each year.

Schoeller, the global textile solutions manufacturer dedicated to sustainability and innovation for more than 150 years, introduces its new PROEARTH™ collection of biodegradable textiles. The new collection, comprised of bluesign® approved fabrics with biodegradable polyester, will debut as part of its Schoeller FTC (SFTC) line, a joint venture between Schoeller Textil AG and the Taiwanese Formosa Taffeta Co. Ltd., at Premiere Vision Paris, September 17-19, Hall 6, Stand 6J18.

As the founding developer of the bluesign® system, the first activewear and leisurewear manufacturer to receive Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certification, and one of the first companies to sign the UN’s Paris Agreement for climate change, Schoeller continues to be on the cutting edge of sustainable practices, bringing one of the first collections of biodegradable synthetic fabrics to the market. Its most recent development, PROEARTH was created to help offset the more than 16 million tons of textile waste produced in the US alone each year.

Jacket, pant and lining fabrics
The SFTC PROEARTH collection will launch with five, bluesign®-approved fabrics designed for lifestyle, fashion and outdoor categories. Made with virgin polyester that has been optimized for biodegradation and has tested to biodegrade at faster and better rates than competitive offerings, the initial PROEARTH articles available this fall include jacket, pant and lining material qualities with various colour options.

More information:
Schoeller Textil AG Schoeller

Schoeller Textil AG

(c) Filo d'Oro

Filo d’Oro: talian silk shines at Première Vision

Filo d’Oro has been selected by Première Vision to exhibit within the SMART CREATION area, the key research and sourcing space for those looking for new generation of sustainable solutions. An informative, educational, visionary and multimedia space where exhibitors, designers, buyers and fashion brands can experience and truly visualize the progress the industry is making in terms of responsibility. At the show in Paris above all they will present a consolidated system of collaborations and a virtuous network that works side by side to make the difference with certified superior quality products for the international market.

Filo d’Oro has been selected by Première Vision to exhibit within the SMART CREATION area, the key research and sourcing space for those looking for new generation of sustainable solutions. An informative, educational, visionary and multimedia space where exhibitors, designers, buyers and fashion brands can experience and truly visualize the progress the industry is making in terms of responsibility. At the show in Paris above all they will present a consolidated system of collaborations and a virtuous network that works side by side to make the difference with certified superior quality products for the international market.

Within Filo D’oro, on the occasion of the inclusion in the Smart Creation, they present innovations that reflect "a real commitment to cultural sustainability as well as industrial and production". The organic silks are made with natural fibers from organic farming, the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certification guarantees both the quality of the raw materials and the sustainability of all production processes. The FSC® certified viscose comes from forests with sustainable management that respects the environment and the population, other viscose developments are made with Ecovero™ yarn from certified and controlled sources. The polyesters are GRS certified, they are made with Newlife™, a yarn born from the transformation through mechanical process of post-consumer plastic bottles collected in northern Italy, whose production process is entirely 100% Made in Italy. Some proposals combine Newlife™ with ECOANTEX, a yarn resulting from the transformation of post-industrial waste and the selective collection of Pet packaging.

More information:
Filo d'Oro Première Vision

GB Network

(c) PFAFF Industriesysteme und Maschinen GmbH

PFAFF INDUSTRIAL on FILTECH fair 2019 in Cologne

Production units with latest joining technologies for the filtration industry

The core competence of PFAFF Industriesysteme und Maschinen GmbH is the joining of flexible materials. The company not only masters industrial sewing applications, but has also been an innovation leader in textile welding applications for decades. Depending on the material and customer requirements, customer solutions are implemented using the ULTRASONIC, HOT-AIR or HOT WEDGE welding methods. In addition to the classical industries such as 'clothing, shoes, home and car upholstery', the company has made a name for itself as a specialist supplier of production solutions for the filter industry. Whether it be filters for dry filtration (dust removal, air conditioning and ventilation technology) or for liquid filtration, such as pleating filters, tube filters, stocking filters, pocket filters, bag filters, etc., the articles must first be assembled. In close dialogue with the customer, PFAFF defines the right joining technology and implements this in the machine or production line.

Production units with latest joining technologies for the filtration industry

The core competence of PFAFF Industriesysteme und Maschinen GmbH is the joining of flexible materials. The company not only masters industrial sewing applications, but has also been an innovation leader in textile welding applications for decades. Depending on the material and customer requirements, customer solutions are implemented using the ULTRASONIC, HOT-AIR or HOT WEDGE welding methods. In addition to the classical industries such as 'clothing, shoes, home and car upholstery', the company has made a name for itself as a specialist supplier of production solutions for the filter industry. Whether it be filters for dry filtration (dust removal, air conditioning and ventilation technology) or for liquid filtration, such as pleating filters, tube filters, stocking filters, pocket filters, bag filters, etc., the articles must first be assembled. In close dialogue with the customer, PFAFF defines the right joining technology and implements this in the machine or production line.

With the brands PFAFF INDUSTRIAL and KSL, the company has the necessary experience in process engineering, electrical engineering, automation technology and robotics to meet customer requirements for reliable, partly fully automatic solutions. A fully automatic production line for the manufacture of filter bags (with longitudinal seams) for an Asian customer is currently being manufactured in Kaiserslautern/Germany. At the heart of the system are the exchangeable hot-wedge welding and 3-thread chainstitch sewing units. Depending on the application, these can be implemented in the manufacturing process in just a few minutes. The raw material is unrolled, precisely formed and quickly and reliably fed to the sewing or welding unit. After joining, the 'tubes' are cut (filter length selectable via display) and automatically ejected. Optionally, the parts can be labelled using a printer. Depending on the material, the plant reaches a production speed of 10m/min.

More information:
Pfaff Industrial

PFAFF Industriesysteme und Maschinen GmbH


GKD: Drei Highlights zur FILTECH

Nachhaltiger Prozesserfolg durch führende Filtrationskompetenz aus einer Hand

Mit dem Fokus auf das integrierte Leistungsspektrum für die Filtrationswelt präsentiert sich GKD – Gebr. Kufferath AG (GKD) zur FILTECH. Im Mittelpunkt des Auftritts in Köln auf der Leitmesse für Filter- und Trenntechnik stehen neue und weiterentwickelte Hightech-Gewebe, innovative Produkte und Prozessbandlösungen. Drei Highlights präsentiert die international führende technische Weberei in diesem Rahmen: Optimierte Tressen mit einer webtechnisch erzeugten geometrischen Porenöffnung von 5 μm, die weltweit unerreichte Familie der Porometric-Gewebe sowie die innovativen, bis 600 °C temperaturbeständigen Trimetric-Filtermedien aus hochleistungsfähigem Filtermedienlaminat für die Heißgasfiltration. Ergänzt wird der GKD-Messeauftritt bei der parallel stattfindenden Konferenz durch einen Vortrag von Dipl.-Ing. Dominik Herper. Er präsentiert erweiterte Möglichkeiten numerischer Analysen für den Bubble-Point Test bei Drahtgeweben.

Nachhaltiger Prozesserfolg durch führende Filtrationskompetenz aus einer Hand

Mit dem Fokus auf das integrierte Leistungsspektrum für die Filtrationswelt präsentiert sich GKD – Gebr. Kufferath AG (GKD) zur FILTECH. Im Mittelpunkt des Auftritts in Köln auf der Leitmesse für Filter- und Trenntechnik stehen neue und weiterentwickelte Hightech-Gewebe, innovative Produkte und Prozessbandlösungen. Drei Highlights präsentiert die international führende technische Weberei in diesem Rahmen: Optimierte Tressen mit einer webtechnisch erzeugten geometrischen Porenöffnung von 5 μm, die weltweit unerreichte Familie der Porometric-Gewebe sowie die innovativen, bis 600 °C temperaturbeständigen Trimetric-Filtermedien aus hochleistungsfähigem Filtermedienlaminat für die Heißgasfiltration. Ergänzt wird der GKD-Messeauftritt bei der parallel stattfindenden Konferenz durch einen Vortrag von Dipl.-Ing. Dominik Herper. Er präsentiert erweiterte Möglichkeiten numerischer Analysen für den Bubble-Point Test bei Drahtgeweben.

Mit dem erklärten Schwerpunkt auf Lösungen, die die Welt gesünder, sicherer und sauberer machen, setzt GKD seit jeher auf Nachhaltigkeit von Produkten und Verfahren. Damit trägt das Unternehmen ebenso zur Einsparung von Ressourcen wie Wasser oder Energie bei, wie es hilft, die Belastung der Umwelt durch den Rückhalt schädlicher Stoffe zu verringern. Mit dem Einsatz von am Ende ihrer Lebenszeit recycelbaren Edelstählen für Gewebekonstruktionen und Filterelemente senkt das Unternehmen außerdem das Aufkommen von Kunststoffmüll durch Wegwerfprodukte. Die wiederverwendbaren und regenerierbaren Filtermedien von GKD sind deshalb nicht nur ökologisch, sondern auch ökonomisch gewinnbringend. Aktuelle Beispiele dafür präsentiert der inhabergeführte Mittelständler zur FILTECH.

More information:



Asia-Pacific composites community to meet at JEC Asia and eMove360° Asia

JEC Asia is the major, most insightful composites event in Asia-Pacific for products, solutions, net-working, and advanced industry thinking - 3 full days of Business, Innovation & Knowledge


  • 7,000+ professional visits
  • 245+ exhibiting companies from 49 countries
  • 3 conference sessions
  • 40+ International speakers
  • 450+ business meetings
  • Startup Booster competition
  • Innovation awards and planet
  • In parallel to eMove360° Asia

Paris - For its 12th edition and third time in Seoul, JEC Asia 2019 will gather companies from the entire composites value chain in Asia Pacific to present their latest capabilities and innovations to the composites community and the strategic end-user’s market including: Mobility, Aeronautics, Building & Construction. This year more than 245 exhibiting companies are expected with thousands of professionals from 49
countries to network, exchange ideas, explore new opportunities and strengthen their business partnerships.

JEC Asia is the major, most insightful composites event in Asia-Pacific for products, solutions, net-working, and advanced industry thinking - 3 full days of Business, Innovation & Knowledge


  • 7,000+ professional visits
  • 245+ exhibiting companies from 49 countries
  • 3 conference sessions
  • 40+ International speakers
  • 450+ business meetings
  • Startup Booster competition
  • Innovation awards and planet
  • In parallel to eMove360° Asia

Paris - For its 12th edition and third time in Seoul, JEC Asia 2019 will gather companies from the entire composites value chain in Asia Pacific to present their latest capabilities and innovations to the composites community and the strategic end-user’s market including: Mobility, Aeronautics, Building & Construction. This year more than 245 exhibiting companies are expected with thousands of professionals from 49
countries to network, exchange ideas, explore new opportunities and strengthen their business partnerships.

Addressing the impact of composites in Mobility 4.0

During the press conference held in Seoul on July 9th to introduce JEC Asia 2019 and eMove Asia 360° main features, a roundtable gathering speakers, experts and academics from prestigious Korean research centers specialized in carbon and composites — along with Hyundai Motor and KCTech composites experts, eMove360°’s CEO & Publisher and Korean Electric Vehicle Association representatives — exchanged their views on the impact of composites in today's and tomorrow's mobility in the world with a focus on the Korean market. Discussions centered around the challenges raised by Mobility 4.0 (electric connected and autonomous vehicles) and how composites can offer highly adapted solutions for the new challenges faced by this sector, particularly in the context of the rising electrification of vehicles.

Hence, the 2019 edition of JEC Asia will welcome for the first time the eMove360° ASIA exhibition and conferences focusing on Trends in electric & autonomous mobility, Battery & Powertrain and Charging & Energy.

Celebrating Innovation and Knowledge

JEC Asia 2019 will also host the 2nd leg of the JEC Startup Booster competition, the leading startup competition in the world of composites will enable companies to find and assess innovations with a potential impact on their respective industry. The 10 finalists selected in the region by a prestigious jury, will pitch their project to win a chance to showcase their work at JEC World 2020 in Paris. The JEC Innovation Awards is a long-established and worldwide program with 3 simple goals: identify, promote and reward the most innovative composite solutions in the world. Over the past 15 years, the JEC Innovation Program has involved 1,800 companies worldwide; 177 companies and 433 partners have been rewarded for the excellence of their composite innovations. The JEC Innovation Awards reward composites champions, based on criteria such as partner involvement in the value chain, technicality or commercial applications of innovations. The award ceremony will take place on the second day of JEC Asia, on November 14th, 2019.

JEC Asia 2019 will also feature a fulfilling conference program with experts from the industry giving their insights on the latest developments in high-performance composite technologies and applications.

JEC Asia 2019 conferences main themes will focus on:

• International Carbon Festival Conference organized with our partner, KCTech.
• Automotive composite golden triangle: low CAPEX, low cost but high volume
• Automotive hybrid solutions: take the best of each material
• Aeronautics: faster processes and new materials
• Business opportunities (Raw materials, Process, Application, Countries, Region)
Finally, JEC Asia offers the opportunity to visit Composites sites. This year professionals will live a full experience of South Korea composites Industry visiting: Hanyang University, Kookmin University with Hankuk Carbon, Win & Win Co or Korean Carbon with KCTech in Jeonju.

See you @JEC Asia 2019 and eMove360° Asia, November 13 to 15,  Seoul Coex Convention and Exhibition Center
