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Virgin PET verdrängt PET-Recyclate

Neuware ist, seitdem sich die Logistikketten nach Corona in der 2. Jahreshälfte 2022 wieder neu sortiert haben, sehr billig in Europa und verdrängt PET-Recyclate, so der bvse-Fachverband Kunststoffrecycling.

Neuware ist, seitdem sich die Logistikketten nach Corona in der 2. Jahreshälfte 2022 wieder neu sortiert haben, sehr billig in Europa und verdrängt PET-Recyclate, so der bvse-Fachverband Kunststoffrecycling.

"Die hohe Inflation führt außerdem zu Konsumverzicht bei den Verbrauchern und dadurch leidet die Nachfrage bei den Verpackungsherstellern. Im Ergebnis geraten die Recyclingunternehmen derzeit massiv unter Druck“, beschreibt Dr. Dirk Textor, Vorsitzender des bvse-Fachverband Kunststoffrecycling, die aktuelle Situation.
Jüngstes Beispiel für die angespannte Lage ist die Schließung des PET-Recycling-Standorts von Veolia in Rostock. Der Absatz von Flakes und Regranulaten stockt – der dauerhafte, wirtschaftliche Betrieb seiner PET-Recyclinganlage ist für Veolia nicht mehr möglich. Eine Absicherung des Absatzes von recyceltem PET ist in Zusammenarbeit mit der Getränkeindustrie und/oder dem Handel nicht gelungen, hieß es zur Begründung.
„Wir sehen das gesamte PET-Recycling in einer Schieflage, weil Abfüller und Inverkehrbringer von PET-Verpackungen ihrer Produktverantwortung nicht nachkommen. Eine mittelfristige Besserung der Situation ist nicht in Sicht. Die PET-Verarbeiter setzen auf Neuware und listen die Recyclate aus“, kritisiert Textor.
Dieses Verhalten der PET-Verarbeiter ist nach Auffassung des bvse-Fachverband Kunststoffrecycling „sehr überraschend“, weil Recycling-PET der einzige Kunststoff ist, der bei Verpackungen mit direktem Lebensmittelkontakt eingesetzt werden kann. Das jetzt zu beobachtende Marktverhalten der PET-Verarbeiter, die ausschließlich auf Neuware setzen, sei kurzsichtig und hoch problematisch, heißt es beim bvse. Man dürfe nicht annehmen, dass eine stillgelegte Anlage innerhalb kurzer Zeit wieder hochgefahren werden kann. Anlagen müssen kontinuierlich betrieben werden, um die benötigten Mengen in geeigneten Qualitäten darstellen zu können. Im schlimmsten Fall verschwindet die Anlage sogar ganz vom Markt.
„Und damit wird es eng werden, sehr eng, wenn in Kürze die hohen Anforderungen der europäischen Kunststoffstrategie umzusetzen sind. Nicht zuletzt werden bei der Novellierung der europäischen Verpackungsverordnung sehr ambitionierte Recyclateinsatzquoten definiert. Auch deshalb wird es in Europa zu einem Verteilungskampf um Recycling-PET kommen“, so bvse-Fachverbandsvorsitzender Dirk Textor.


bvse-Fachverband Kunststoffrecycling

Photo: Carbios

Carbios and Novozymes deepen collaboration in biorecycling of PET

Carbios and Novozymes announced an exclusive long-term global strategic partnership. This major agreement ensures the long-term production and supply of Carbios’ proprietary PET-degrading enzymes at an industrial scale for the world’s first biological PET-recycling plant due to start production in 2025 in Longlaville (France), as well as Carbios’ future licensee customers.
Carbios and Novozymes have had a partnership since 2019 to develop enzyme-based solutions and address  the sustainability challenge of plastic pollution, both within PET-recycling[1] and PLA-biodegradation[2].  Building on the current Joint Development Agreement (JDA), under the new agreement, Carbios and Novozymes will extend their collaboration to develop, optimize and produce enzymes that will subsequently be supplied by Novozymes to all licensees of Carbios’ technology.  The new agreement grants both parties exclusivity in the field of the partnership.

Carbios and Novozymes announced an exclusive long-term global strategic partnership. This major agreement ensures the long-term production and supply of Carbios’ proprietary PET-degrading enzymes at an industrial scale for the world’s first biological PET-recycling plant due to start production in 2025 in Longlaville (France), as well as Carbios’ future licensee customers.
Carbios and Novozymes have had a partnership since 2019 to develop enzyme-based solutions and address  the sustainability challenge of plastic pollution, both within PET-recycling[1] and PLA-biodegradation[2].  Building on the current Joint Development Agreement (JDA), under the new agreement, Carbios and Novozymes will extend their collaboration to develop, optimize and produce enzymes that will subsequently be supplied by Novozymes to all licensees of Carbios’ technology.  The new agreement grants both parties exclusivity in the field of the partnership.
The strategic partnership supports the large-scale industrial deployment of Carbios’ patented PET-recycling technology starting with Carbios’ future industrial reference unit in Longlaville (France), which will be the world’s first biological PET-recycling plant. Construction will begin later this year, and both building and operating permits having been filed with local authorities.  Production at the plant is set to start in 2025 and the processing capacity will be 50,000 tonnes of waste per year.



Foto: (c) Starlinger & Co Gesellschaft m.b.H.

Starlinger PET recycling lines in India: Bottle-to-fibre and bottle-to-bottle

Ganesha Ecopet Private Limited, a subsidiary of Indian PET recycling pioneer Ganesha Ecosphere Ltd., has recently opened its new Warangal facility under the brand name Go Rewise where it produces rPET for filament yarns and fibres, as well as for food-grade packaging.  

The company has installed two Starlinger PET recycling lines in its facility in Warangal, Telangana state. Ganesha Ecopet plans to supply the produced rPET granulates under its newly introduced brand enterprise Go Rewise. Launched under the umbrella of one of India's rPET industry leaders, Go Rewise is committed to supplying highest quality rPET products that are produced in a resource-efficient process.
One Starlinger recycling line, a recoSTAR PET 165 H-VAC, processes washed PET bottle flakes for the Go Rewise polyester filament yarn applications and reaches an output of approx. 14,000 tons per year. With the second Starlinger recycling line, Ganesha is producing food-grade rPET resins.

Ganesha Ecopet Private Limited, a subsidiary of Indian PET recycling pioneer Ganesha Ecosphere Ltd., has recently opened its new Warangal facility under the brand name Go Rewise where it produces rPET for filament yarns and fibres, as well as for food-grade packaging.  

The company has installed two Starlinger PET recycling lines in its facility in Warangal, Telangana state. Ganesha Ecopet plans to supply the produced rPET granulates under its newly introduced brand enterprise Go Rewise. Launched under the umbrella of one of India's rPET industry leaders, Go Rewise is committed to supplying highest quality rPET products that are produced in a resource-efficient process.
One Starlinger recycling line, a recoSTAR PET 165 H-VAC, processes washed PET bottle flakes for the Go Rewise polyester filament yarn applications and reaches an output of approx. 14,000 tons per year. With the second Starlinger recycling line, Ganesha is producing food-grade rPET resins.

Ganesha Ecosphere looks back on 30 years of experience in the PET recycling business and can be considered a role model regarding sustainable business activities. Founded in 1987, the company started out as a yarn processing facility. It was among the first companies in India to start reprocessing PET waste to manufacture recycled polyester staple fibre (RPSF) and recycled polyester spun yarns (RPSY) in 1994. By today, the group has established a large network of over 300 scrap vendors located across the country and operates four factories in India - two in Uttar Pradesh, one in Uttarakhand, and the recently opened one in Telangana. It also recently operationalised its first factory outside India in Nepal. With over 500 customers and exports to more than 18 countries, the company ranks among the largest rpet producers in India with 130,000 tonnes per year and currently recycles around 16 - 18 % of India's total PET waste.


Starlinger & Co Gesellschaft m.b.H.